Page 36 - Investment Advisor - December 2023
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tasks related to but not as critical as the
                 real challenge.
                   It’s easy to understand why. In human
                 psychology, the struggle to perceive and
                 comprehend issues accurately is known
                 as a self-awareness deficit. It can hinder
                 self-reflection and personal insight.
                   A similar dynamic applies to firm
                 leaders. Seeing what a firm really needs
                 to do to achieve its business goals can be
                 very difficult.

                 IdentIFYInG ProBleMs
                 But  seeking  quick  fixes  rather  than
                 searching for and understanding the
                 greater challenges doesn’t help leaders or
                 their ability to better manage their busi-
                 nesses. What  does  help leaders achieve
                 practice management success is making
                 the decision and commitment to better   As you focus on a new year, commit to
                 understand true business problems.
                   Financial  advisors  and  firm  leaders   prioritizing how you can enhance, build
                 are used to being experts. Every day,
                 they recommend solutions that can and   and develop leadership abilities. Don’t
                 do improve their clients’ financial lives.
                 Thus, it can be hard for them to pivot   spend your time being the all-knowing
                 from  being  a solution  giver  to  being  a
                 problem identifier.                                     solution giver.
                   A solution giver says things like: “We
                 need a better client experience. We need   We spent just over a month develop-  Instead,  that  time  could have  been
                 to acquire a firm. We need to build a new   ing  a  new  partnership  compensation   used addressing communication issues
                 compensation model for our talent.”   plan. A month later, when it still was not   among partners, strategic business plan-
                   A problem identifier might say: “We   implemented, we started questioning   ning to get aligned and focused on cohe-
                 have a low close ratio. We have conflicts   why. Finally, nearly three months after   sive firm goals, and helping each partner
                 with partners. We have high employee   we started this process, the firm’s leader   address conflict in a productive and
                 turnover. Our lead ratio has fallen.”   admitted the real problem.   open way.
                   Just  like putting the  horse before   Think  about  this  in  terms  of  wasted   Behind  every  great  business  is  great
                 the cart, identifying the problem first   time  and  resources.  How  much  time   leadership, the essential quality that
                 and then implementing the solution is   could have been saved by the firm leader   makes firms stand out and succeed.
                 the most effective way to solve practice   if he’d chosen to be solution oriented,   As you focus on a new year, commit to
                 management problems.              rather than problem driven?       prioritizing how you can enhance, build
                   The client I mentioned earlier had                                and  develop  leadership  abilities.  Don’t
                 put the cart before the horse. He wanted   lessons leArned          spend your time being the all-knowing
                 an executive compensation plan — a   Unfortunately,  when  it  comes  to  prac-  solution giver.
                 solution he identified before zooming   tice management issues, leadership   If you work on skills tied to identify-
                 in on the firm’s most pressing problem.   missteps are the greatest barrier to mov-  ing the real problems at your firm — and
                   When the comp plan failed to launch,   ing ahead toward workable solutions.   what’s really holding your team back —
                 the firm leader was forced to recognize   Had  the  leader  decided  to  discuss  the   you should find that many of your practice
                 the firm’s  real  problem.  Yet  identifying   firm’s deepest problem, rather than tak-  management issues will disappear.
                 the problem, as uncomfortable as it was,   ing a task-focused approach, would we
                 presented  us with  the opportunity  to   have spent an entire quarter focused on   Angie Herbers is an independent consultant to
                 help the client’s firm and his partners to   developing a new partnership compen-  the advisory industry. She can be reached at   Adobe Stock
                 address what they were avoiding.  sation program? Likely not.

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