Page 24 - Investment Advisor - November 2023
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Wealthspire Advisors to review the distribution of assets, identify key individuals and
Wealthspire’s executive leadership team explain potential scenarios to their clients.
has made it a strategic priority to bring
top industry talent to the collaborative organization and nurture Invent
both enterprise and advisory teams. Over the last year, Wealthspire In 2022, Invent introduced the Platform
created a position to lead the firm’s Advisor Success program and as a Service ecosystem for broker-deal-
provide an advisor and development framework. It also made ers to support digital transformation of legacy applications, third-
enhancements to its internship program, leading to increased entry- party integrations and complex business workflows into a unified
level opportunities for college seniors to begin their careers. And user experience. Invent provides wealth management data sets,
Wealthspire crafted a structured program for women returning to coupled with a purpose-built data lake, and a digital warehouse
the workplace as a way to continue bringing top talent to the firm. that powers trusted data analytics and business insights across
the enterprise. The micro-frontend UI/UX framework offers
Fintech/tAMP Platforms engineers a set of core wealth management interoperable compo-
nents and an integration framework that powers a user experience
Asset Mark across third-party applications and proprietary applications, and
AssetMark acquired Adhesion Wealth the ability to create persona role-based experiences that drive
in 2022 to complement its end-to-end technology adoption, advisor productivity and enterprise scale.
outsourcing offering with modular solu-
tions for advisors seeking flexibility to do some or all components Myvest
of advice delivery themselves. AssetMark continued to optimize MyVest continues to invest in
its digital ecosystem to deliver a differentiated experience that delivering comprehensive tax management and personalized
champions client engagement and drives efficiency, from pros- portfolios at scale so its customers can deliver the best possible
pecting and financial planning to ongoing servicing and adminis- advice for their investors. The firm recently enhanced its Strategic
tration. The firm also expanded its investment platform to include Portfolio System, focusing on optimizing how this is done across
enhanced income planning capabilities, personalized investment large firms by streamlining workflows for advisor and firm capac-
solutions and tax transition services. And it upgraded its turn- ity, improving collaboration between roles across the enterprise,
key business programs to enable further efficiency, and invested and operationalizing manual processes.
meaningfully in its personalized consulting services.
rIA/IAr Firms
To advance the quality and accessibility of Grand Wealth Management
financial advisor marketing, FMG has intro- Grand Wealth has been deliberate about
duced two updates to its platform and services. building an advisory team with diverse per-
The first is a one-click AI-powered social media content engine, spectives and skillsets. Advisors commonly
whereby advisors can leverage FMG’s content library as a start- hold a Certified Financial Planner mark, but the firm also draws
ing point and customize material to be authentically and uniquely from team members’ CPA/PFS, MBA and JD degrees, as well as from
theirs through integrations with Chat-GPT. The second one is their specialized interests. Succession planning has become integral
the “Do It For Me” program, through which advisors receive the to the firm’s development as well, as has its three-year Financial
support of a dedicated marketing specialist and exclusive content Advisor Residency Program for recent college graduates. In late
from FMG’s thought leaders to develop a monthly calendar of 2022, Grand Wealth added a sabbatical benefit that is now available
marketing activities. Once approved, the advisor’s specialist then to any full-time employee who has been with the firm for five years.
executes the calendar on the advisor’s behalf.
Merit Financial Advisors
FP Alpha Merit invested $4 million in its tech plat-
FP Alpha, the artificial intelligence- form and infrastructure over the past
driven advanced planning solution year, including a scale-ready data architecture powering automa-
that helps advisors identify actionable recommendations to cli- tion, client experiences and services. The firm released a client por-
ents, rolled out The Estate Snapshot in May 2022, an enhancement tal in February 2023 as part of the initiative, routing clients directly
to the platform’s Estate Planning Module. This new tool is pro- into a Merit Experience rather than relying on its custodian or a bro-
duced by applying AI technology to read documents, such as wills ker-dealer or tech partner to provide the portal. This future-focused
and trusts, then summarize them into a client deliverable with approach represents a data driven strategy, which readies the firm
easy-to-follow visuals, including flowcharts. It allows the advisor for future enhancements with a much faster go-to-market result.
22 Investment AdvIsor November 2023 |