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Executive Leadership

                             Shannon Spotswood                      In October 2021, the firm bought AdvisorPeak, which offers
                             As  president  of  RFG  Advisory,  Shannon   wealth managers enterprise-class portfolio  trading and
                             Spotswood has — in partnership with CEO   rebalancing tools.
                             Bobby White and Chief Investment Officer
                             Rick Wedell — led the firm’s growth as it          Susan Theder
                 expanded by $1.13 billion in assets under advisement, or 51%,   As chief marketing and experience officer of
                 over the past 18 months to reach $3.5 billion, while adding 24   FMG, Susan Theder aims “to help advisors
                 team members. Spotswood also has overseen RFG 2.0, a plat-     leverage technology to market more efficiently
                 form designed for independent financial advisors, and directed   and effectively,” the firm says.
                 the launch of the StrongHER Money advisor support platform   She hosts webinars and writes about trending topics like
                 and resources, as well as the War Room Huddle Podcast series.   the new SEC Marketing Rule; one event had 700 attendees. To
                   RFG Advisory recently introduced the firmwide initiative   help advisors navigate opportunities tied to the rule, she led
                 RFG Assist, which handles administrative assistant and W-2   FMG in creating a new series of content focused on fully com-
                 employee  tasks  for  advisors;  when  one  of  its  advisory  firms   pliant strategies and best practices to help advisors leverage
                 lost a long-time administrative team member to cancer, it   testimonials and reviews in their marketing programs.
                 quickly got the help it needed via RFG Assist. Spotswood   Theder  also  shares  marketing  tips  and ideas  for  advisors
                 also traveled to meet and support the advisory firm through   on social media. She recently helped steer and update FMG’s
                 this difficult and sudden transition, according to RMG. In   product and technology strategy, leading the firm “through a
                 her  spare  time,  she  serves  as  vice  chair  of  the  board  of  the   complete brand refresh in less than six months” and shifting
                 Birmingham Education Foundation.                   its content strategy to include materials written by her col-
                                                                    league Samantha Russell and herself.
                             Ruchir Swarup
                             As chief technology officer at Addepar, Ruchir     Monali Vora
                             Swarup  “has  fostered  a  culture  of  innovation   As head of Goldman Sachs Asset Management’s
                             to keep its leading portfolio reporting and        Custom Equity and Direct Indexing business,
                             data aggregation platform on the cutting edge      Monali Vora has become an industry leader
                 of financial services technology,” the firm says. Today, more   in direct indexing and personalization, the
                 than 700 family offices, RIAs and large financial institutions   firm says. Its direct indexing business for separately managed
                 use Addepar’s wealth-management platform in 25-plus coun-  accounts  is among the top  two in  the U.S.  by assets  under
                 tries — with $3.8 trillion in client assets on the platform, which   supervision, with $17 billion in net flows last year, according to
                 is capable of growing about $15 billion per week, it adds.  Cerulli Associates. The team she heads is a diverse group that
                   In January 2021, Addepar acquired RCI and then launched   includes 16 investment professionals. It has grown to roughly
                 Navigator, a tool that helps clients “codify cash flow, liquid-  $149 billion in assets under supervision across 27,000-plus
                 ity and tax projections, and refine pacing models,” it says.   separately managed accounts.

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