Page 50 - Investment Advisor - November 2021
P. 50
By Thomas D. Giachetti
The SEC Is Closely Watching How Advisors
Protect Clients From Identity Theft
It’s smart to go beyond a written program and implement multi-factor
ere’s a warning: Protecting WHAT ABOUT MULTI-FACTOR
your clients from identity theft AUTHENTICATION?
Hmeans don’t rely solely on your Cary noted that “multi-factor authen-
written identity theft prevention pro- tication” means going through verifi-
gram under regulation S-ID. Make sure cation of at least two of these types
you implement a multi-factor authenti- of authentication factors: 1) knowledge
cation where possible. factors, such as a password, 2) posses-
As we’ve told clients going through the sion factors, such as a token or text mes-
Securities and Exchange Commission sage on a mobile device or application,
examination process, we’ve noticed an or 3) inherence factors, such as a bio-
uptick in SEC staff inquiries related to metric characteristic (like a fingerprint).
identity theft prevention. Typically these In practice, this usually means that
questions are focused on whether regis- when a client or advisor representative
tered investment advisors have adopted the RIA should adopt a written identity is logging into a site containing con-
and are maintaining an effective written theft prevention program meeting the fidential or nonpublic personal infor-
identity theft prevention program, espe- requirements of Regulation S-ID. At a mation, the multi-factor authentication
cially if their money movement prac- minimum, the accounts reported on ADV mechanism will require them to enter
tices clearly subject them to Regulation Part 1 Item 9 would be subject to the writ- a code sent to their mobile phone or
S-ID. To address these important issues, ten identity theft prevention program. another email address after entering the
I spoke with my partner, and our firm However, we also caution RIAs to look username and password.
expert, Cary Kvitka. at all of their money movement prac- We encourage the use of multi-factor
tices at that time and decide if there is authentication whenever practical for two
WHICH RIAS ARE SUBJECT TO a reasonably foreseeable risk that some- reasons. First, there is always the possibil-
REGULATION S-ID? one could abuse that particular practice ity that the SEC can bring an enforcement
Regulation S-ID applies to SEC-RIAs that to abscond with its clients’ funds from action against a RIA for a data breach affect-
maintain “Covered Accounts.” While the accounts that aren’t reported on ADV ing its clients that could have been avoided,
exact definition of a Covered Account is Part 1, Item 9. While the term “reason- especially if it could have been averted
complex, at its core it is an account: 1) ably foreseeable” is subjective, an advisor using relatively inexpensive and functional
designed to permit multiple payments to that chooses not to implement a written defenses like multi-factor authentication.
third parties, and 2) “there is a reasonably identity theft prevention program and Second, unfortunately, we’ve been privy to
foreseeable risk” that someone could per- later suffers an identity theft attack to data breaches that simply would not have
petrate an identity theft attack, and defraud the detriment of its client will be in an transpired if the RIA implemented the use
or use the investment advisor as a conduit uncomfortable position — to say the least. of multi-factor authentication.
to steal client funds from that account. Therefore, it’s wise to err on the side of Beware, regulators are aggressively
Cary advised that if an advisor, or its caution and implement a written identity watching. Please don’t be their next
representative, is deemed to have custody theft prevention program if the advisor enforcement victim.
of any client funds or securities that it is maintains accounts which permit the advi-
required to report on Form ADV Part 1, sor to direct transfers to third parties, for Thomas D. Giachetti is chairman of the
Item 9, then the affected accounts should which there is even the slightest chance Investment Management and Securities
be treated as Covered Accounts for the that an identity theft attack may result in Practice Group of Stark & Stark. He can be Adobe Stock
purposes of Regulation S-ID. In that case, the misappropriation of its clients’ funds. reached at [email protected].