Page 29 - Investment Advisor - October 2021
P. 29

What, then, will happen with interest rates?       With all the challenges you’ve just discussed, why would the
                That’s the pickle. The government needs to keep interest rates   stock market end on a positive note this year?
                low to help manage our debt. If the CPI [Consumer Price   Those negative things are not major crisis-type events that
                Index] goes up — indicating that inflation is rising — the gov-  would cause the market to suddenly crash. Unless there’s a
                ernment would have to pay more on a lot of different pensions   major quarantine announced out of the blue, I wouldn’t antici-
                and other welfare-type benefits.                   pate any market reaction to COVID-19 because it’s old news.
                  The Fed needs to battle inflation, and the easiest way is to   We know about it; it’s priced into the market.
                restrict the money supply. If they raise rates, we would be in   Same thing with inflation. No one is going to get frightened
                a real tough situation as to how to manage our national debt.   of it.
                Some say the government is manipulating things to its benefit.   But the flip side is that the market could drop like crazy tomor-
                I expect that, as the months turn into years, we’re going to see   row if tonight, there’s a serious Russian cyberattack that has a
                how that plays out.                                major impact on our infrastructure. That could sink the market.
                                                                     Another example would be if our interaction with China in
                What’s your outlook for the stock market for the rest of   the South China Sea has a real complication — some significant
                this year?                                         threat involving one of their subs or our destroyers. Investors
                We’ll see lots of volatility — lots of ups and downs, but mostly   as a whole are concerned about the North Korea, China and
                up. The market will probably [end] the year up.    Russia scenario.

                What sectors do you like?                          What about additional financial stimulus?
                In the short term, I’m trying to stay focused on energy, which   Part of the U.S. labor shortage was created by the stimulus. I
                has been beaten up — there are still good deals there; health   suspect there’s going to be some sort of reckoning, and it will
                care, for obvious reasons; and staples, the toothpaste and toilet   involve the stock market. A diversified portfolio is designed to
                paper companies of the world.                      weather a storm like that.

                What Makes a ‘Perfect Portfolio’?

                    aking a deep dive to examine the   Financial   Portfolio
                Tphilosophies  of  10  prominent     Planning  Construction
                investing pioneers, professors  Stephen                     Tax      Retirement   Social    Trusts & Estates
                R. Foerster of Western University and                     Planning   Planning   Security
                Andrew W. Lo of MIT wrote a new
                book, “In Pursuit of the Perfect Portfolio:
                The Stories, Voices, and Key Insights
                of the Pioneers Who Shaped the Way
                We Invest” (Princeton University Press,
                Aug. 17, 2021).
                  In an interview, Foerster, a chartered
                financial analyst, explores what five of
                the experts say go into making the per-
                fect portfolio. But he stresses: “We want
                to encourage our readers to develop
                an investment philosophy and to have
                a conviction and a reason for that par-
                ticular philosophy that should guide
                their actions.”                                                 Engineering  and  a principal  investigator  at
                  As for what constitutes the perfect portfo-                  the MIT Computer Science and Artificial
                lio, the co-authors argue: “Our perfect portfolio   Stephen Foerster  Intelligence Laboratory. Foerster is a finance
                today is really just a snapshot of what’s best for           professor at Ivey Business School at Western
                you at the moment and in the current environment.”         University in London, Ontario. He writes regularly
                  Lo is a professor at the MIT Sloan School of           for “The Perfect Portfolio Investing Blog.”
                Management, director of the MIT Laboratory for Financial   In a recent interview, Foerster discusses the philosophies

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