Page 40 - Investment Advisor - September 2023
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service. The  last  thing  you want  is  an   aren’t honest about what you see as the   most comfortable working within a con-
                 advisor who’s used to working with,   fair wage for hiring them.    ventional 9-to-5 framework and others
                 say, 40 clients at their previous firm and   There’s nothing wrong with saying   are a bit more unpredictable.
                 then suddenly is expected to work with   to a candidate that the wage they want   When a job candidate asks questions
                 100-plus clients at your firm.    is  higher  than  the wage  your  firm  is   about whether they’ll be required to
                   The same is true for associate advisors,   willing to pay. The problems arise when   work full time from the office, under-
                 those who cannot yet work directly with   you hire based on a wage that’s outside   stand that they’re really  asking, “How
                 clients on their own. It’s important that   of what you deem as fair and resent the   professional is your culture?”
                 you let the candidate know how much   hire for it after bringing them on board.  At this point in the evolution of adviso-
                 client exposure they are going to get.   4.  Take  no  for  an  answer.  Simply   ry firms, the answer should be something
                   If they believe they will be working   put, when a job prospect declines your   like: “We’d like to see you each day, but we
                 with clients at the onset and your goal is to   offer, respect their “no.”   also know that the most important aspect
                 put them more behind the scenes to sup-  We’re seeing firms that receive a “no”   of your job is client service. Hopefully
                 port other advisors in the firm, you’ll have   sweetening their offer. All this does is   you’re taking care of yourself along the
                 a misalignment of capacity expectations.  illustrate to the candidate that you are   way, and we trust you to do that.”
                   3. Pay fair wages.  In  today’s  robust   desperate, opted to lowball them in the   The bottom line is that if you’re hon-
                 hiring  environment  for  experienced   first place, and don’t respect boundaries.   est with the advisors about the position
                 financial advisors, firms must know what   Remember, candidates who tell you   you are hiring for, truthful with yourself
                 their fair wage is. The goal of every advi-  “no” are doing you a favor by saving you   about what you can afford to pay in
                 sory firm should not be to look at bench-  from future turnover.    wages, and respect your advisors’ auton-
                 marking  studies  on  compensation,  but   5. Build a professional culture.   omy and treat them in a professional way,
                 rather to figure out what they can afford.   Every financial advisor has a different   you’ll have a much better chance at hiring
                   Affordability is your firm’s fair wage.   capacity for working with clients each   great advisors and retaining them.
                 From experience, I can tell you that you   day. Some have more energy one day and
                 can find good quality advisors who will   less the next. Some tend to have lengthy   Angie Herbers is a managing partner at Herbers
                 accept all sorts of pay ranges. But you’re   conversations  with  clients  and  others   & Company, an independent management
                 not going to retain those advisors if you   are shorter and to the point. Some are   strategy consultancy for financial advisory firms.

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