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                 SEC Floats New Rules on Digital Nudges, Robos

                 The Securities and exchange               Gensler added that while such   duct the proposal is trying to address.”
                 Commission recently approved a            tools have the potential to offer   The SeC’s plan regarding when invest-
                 set of proposed rules to tighten           “greater financial inclusion   ment advisors providing advisory ser-
                 the use of artificial intelligence by       and enhanced user experi-  vices over the internet can register with
                 investment advisors and broker-             ence,” they also create the   the SeC “would modernize the Internet
                 dealers by targeting “conflicts of         potential for conflicts to arise   Advisers exemption in two ways,” Gensler
                 interest” associated with the firms’      in which advisors or brokers   explained. First, it would require advisors
                 use of predictive data analytics as it   “are optimizing to place their inter-  seeking to rely on the Internet Advisers
                 relates to certain investor interactions,   ests ahead of their investors’ interests.”  exemption “to have at all times an opera-
                 as well as new registration rules for so-  The SeC’s plan, which will be out for   tional, interactive website through which
                 called internet advisors.         public comment, would require:    the advisor provides digital investment
                   Under the SeC’s plan, broker-dealers   • A firm to eliminate or neutralize the   advisory services on an ongoing basis to
                 and advisors would be required “to take   effect of conflicts of interest associated   more than one client,” he said.
                 certain steps to address conflicts of inter-  with the firm’s use of covered technolo-  “That means, if the proposal is
                 est associated with their use of predictive   gies in investor interactions that place   adopted, firms that rely on the Internet
                 data analytics and similar technologies   the firm’s or its associated person’s inter-  Advisers exemption — thus being regu-
                 to interact with investors to prevent firms   est ahead of investors’ interests  lated by the SeC rather than state securi-
                 from placing their interests ahead of   • A firm that has any investor interac-  ties regulators — would actually need to
                 investors’ interests,” the agency said.  tion using covered technology to have   advise clients through the internet and
                   The proposed rules would apply when   written policies and procedures reason-  do so from the moment the firms rely on
                 a broker-dealer or an advisor “uses or   ably designed to prevent violations of   this exception. The website cannot be
                 reasonably foreseeably may use covered   (in the case of investment advisors) or   used as a prop, akin to how a man behind
                 technology in an investor interaction,”   achieve compliance with (in the case of   the curtain used props to pretend to be
                 according to a fact sheet released by the   broker-dealers) the proposed rules  the Wizard of Oz,” Gensler said.
                 agency. SeC Chairman Gary Gensler has   • Recordkeeping related to the   Second, the proposal would require
                 questioned when design elements and   proposed rules                advisors seeking to rely on the Internet
                 psychological nudges associated with dig-  The plan is already drawing criti-  Advisers exemption to provide advice to
                 ital engagement platforms (Deps) “cross   cism. Gail bernstein, general counsel for   clients “exclusively through this operation-
                 the line” and become recommendations.  the Investment Adviser Association in   al, interactive website,” Gensler continued.
                   Gensler said on July 26 that “today’s   Washington, told Investment Advisor in an   “Currently, the rule allows advisors to qual-
                 predictive data analytics models also pro-  email that, based on a preliminary review   ify as internet advisors while, for instance,
                 vide an increasing ability to make predic-  and statements made by some of the   also serving a small number of investors in
                 tions about each of us as individuals. This   commissioners at the open meeting, IAA   person, over the phone or by other means.”
                 growing capability facilitates being able   “is deeply concerned about the proposed   These changes, Gensler stated, “would
                 to differentially communicate to each   rules around advisors’ use of technology.”  better reflect what it means in 2023 truly
                 of us — and do so efficiently at scale.   The plan, according to bernstein, “con-  to provide an exclusively internet-based
                 How might we respond to individualized   tinues a troubling pattern in the com-  service.” The plan requires that internet
                 communications or nudges? How might   mission’s approach to rulemaking in the   advisors “have an operational, interactive
                 we respond to individualized product   investment advisor space. The proposal   website at the time of registration,” William
                 offerings? How might we respond to indi-
                                                                                     birdthistle, director of the SeC’s Division of
                                                   again appears not to identify and support
             Adobe Stock  vidualized pricing? This includes means   with data the need for a new regulation,   Investment management, said during the
                                                   seeming to dismiss existing regulatory
                 to optimize for, predict, guide, forecast, or
                                                                                     open meeting. (For more coverage of these
                                                                                     issues, see page 35.) — Melanie Waddell
                                                   obligations that already govern the con-
                 direct investors’ investment decisions.”
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