Page 24 - Investment Advisor September 2021
P. 24

BNY Mellon’s Pershing                       Rose Capital Advisors is a 100%
                                            views diversity, equity &                    minority-owned business and con-
                inclusion as a business strategy central to achieving high per-          tinuously recruits from historically
                formance, competitive advantage, innovation and growth. The   black colleges and universities. This year, the company invested in
                firm has created greater awareness of economic, wealth, edu-  and partnered with venture capital funds whose focus is on
                cation, health and criminal justice inequities in our communi-  minority- and female-founded businesses that are underrepre-
                ties and acknowledges progress has been made but the most   sented in fundraising. The firm also launched a partnership with
                critical work is ahead. The firm is working to impact society   Ethic Investments to build the Rose Capital Impact Portfolios. One
                through workforce development, economic empowerment   of the firm’s sustainability pillars is racial injustice. Rose’s Impact
                and financial literacy, and has long-term relationships with   Portfolio divests from companies with poor anti-discrimination
                charities  and  organizations.  It acts  on  behalf  of underrepre-  policies, substantial revenue from weapons or tobacco, or business
                sented groups through executive commitments to self-edu-  activities with negative impacts on communities of color.
                cate, create an inclusive culture and provide opportunities
                through professional development programs and recruiting             Snappy Kraken has an executive team
                efforts to increase representation at all levels.                    and workforce made up of 50%
                                                                                     women,  and 50% of the executive
                                 Facet Wealth focuses on diversity in hir-  team is made up of people of color. As a firm, it broke the mold
                                 ing staff, attracting and serving clients   in advisor marketing research by publishing a comprehensive
                                 and supporting candidates who wish to   study to determine best practices for advisors by analyzing
                become financial professionals. In 2020, Facet Wealth changed   over 30 million data points. This year’s State of Digital
                compensation to be more equitable across client-facing roles,   Benchmarking Study, for example, analyzed 39,000 digital
                conducted unconscious-bias training, and developed Slack chan-  campaigns, 13.6 million emails, 3.1 million contacts and 679,000
                nels for diverse employee affinity groups. Partnering with the   page views throughout the United States. The study is provid-
                CFP Board, the company committed to funding the Facet Wealth   ed free to advisors to help them grow their business by using
                Scholarship for Increased Diversity in Financial Planning.   methods proven to work rather than failing at experiments.
                Additionally, Facet Wealth is a founding member of Baltimore
                Tracks, a coalition of Baltimore-based leaders who are commit-
                ted to increasing opportunities in technology for people of color.    INDIVIDUALS – ASSET MANAGEMENT/
                                                                     PORTFOLIO FIRMS
                                    Freeman Capital is the only Black-
                                    owned automated wealth manage-             Rachel Robasciotti, the co-founder of RIA
                                    ment  platform  registered  with  the      Robasciotti & Philipson and Adasina Social
                Securities and Exchange Commission. Freeman caters to those    Capital, is as much a social activist as a finan-
                who have until now been overlooked by the industry. Using a    cial advisor. After graduating from the
                simple subscription fee model, the firm removed the hurdle of   University of California at Berkeley and work-
                needing assets to build assets. In March, it was selected  to   ing briefly at a financial firm, Robasciotti opened her own
                participate in the Northwestern Mutual Black Founder   company to serve women, people of color and LGBTQ+ folks.
                Accelerator Program and also was awarded $50,000 in funding   Adasina Social Capital, which Robasciotti founded and heads
                from the Google for Startups Black Founders Fund. The com-  as CEO, invests in public companies that advance progressive
                pany also competed in the 2020 Celebrating Black Founders   policies such as equity and inclusion. Her Due Diligence 2.0
                Semifinals challenge and won the title of Startup of the Year.  initiative  is  designed  to  increase  the  flow  of  capital  to  asset
                                                                   managers led by Blacks and indigenous people of color.
                                           PGIM, the asset manage-
                                           ment arm of life insurer            Barbara Fuchs, vice president of talent manage-
                Prudential Financial, recently launched “Inclusion Month” —    ment at PGIM, in response to social injustice
                an initiative set to take place each October that includes     events of 2020, coordinated 21 listening ses-
                events, campaigns and  resources  focused  on  a specific  topic   sions with more than 450 employees globally.
                related to inclusivity and is accessible to its 3,500 employees   Using session insights, Fuchs helped PGIM
                worldwide. This initiative aims to go beyond raising awareness   launch a revised racial equity plan that included an audit of
                and emphasizes ways to build the skills and mindset needed to   hiring and promotion processes  and new targeted  inclusion
                help inclusive behavior become a “way of being.” In its first   training. Fuchs also worked with the Black Executive
                year, PGIM put a spotlight on the need to address bias, value   Leadership Team to deliver a comprehensive program for
                uniqueness and prevent harmful micro-messages.     Black History Month. And in March, Barbara managed the

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