Page 16 - Investment Advisor July/August 2023
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                   Specifically, 40% say they don’t have   financial wellness more difficult, the data   going forward is the lowest among gen-
                 a financial plan for retirement and “will   shows. Planning for the new retirement   erations and is also starting to trend
                 just  figure  it out  when they  get  there,”   reality appears to be particularly challeng-  downward. Of note for the advisor com-
                 while 56% don’t know where to start   ing for members of Generation X, defined   munity, the evidence suggests this lack
                 planning beyond having a basic retire-  here as those born between 1964 and 1978.  of confidence could be driven by a lack
                 ment account like a 401(k) or IRA.  Unlike millennials, who still have   of financial knowledge.
                   As LaVigne highlights, many baby   ample time to save before retirement,   Allianz Life says Gen Xers are the
                 boomers believe they are better off with   and boomers, many of whom are already   least likely to have an understanding of
                 respect to retirement readiness than   retired, Generation X is realizing that   the mechanics of saving for retirement
                 previous generations, but Gen Xers and   retirement is getting closer and that they   — namely how long they expect to live
                 millennials are more pessimistic about   may not be ready — nor do they have a   in  retirement,  how  many  years their
                 their financial futures.          clear picture of how to get there.  money will last in retirement, how much
                   Many Gen Xers and millennials feel like   According to Allianz Life, Gen Xers’   total  money they will  need  to save for
                 shifts in health insurance and employer-  confidence in their ability to financially   retirement and what their health care
                 sponsored retirement plans have made   support all the things they want to do   costs will be.

                 3 Ways to Help retirees spend More

                     here are many emotions that come
                 Tto  mind  when  one  talks  about
                 retirement, ranging from excitement to
                 ambivalence, but far and away the most
                 prevalent feeling for many clients is fear,
                 says Jamie Hopkins, managing partner of
                 wealth solutions for Carson Group. Fear
                 and concern are reasonable responses
                 when an individual is facing a rocky
                 financial outlook in retirement, Hopkins
                 says, but many clients who are demon-
                 strably retirement ready from a financial
                 perspective are also plagued by doubt.  can deliver a lot of value by easing their   for this added wealth within a long-estab-
                   In fact, as Hopkins recently explained   clients’ fears about spending.  lished income plan. Advisors can do a lot
                 in a video he posted to Twitter, one of   “At first you might think this is a little   of good by helping their clients spend
                 the key roles of the retirement-focused   weird to be talking about encouraging   in a sustainable way, and that can mean
                 financial advisor is to help the client   spending,” he explains. “After all, don’t   encouraging clients to loosen the purse
                 understand their unique readiness posi-  we  hear all the  time that most retirees   strings now and again, Hopkins says.
                 tion — and how their financial  standing   need  to  cut  back  and  minimize  their   “The reality is that a lot of Americans
                 today translates to decisions about life-  spending?” In some cases this is clear-  are fearful and scared about retirement,”
                 style and spending in retirement.   ly true, but as more Americans enter   he explains. “They don’t spend as much
                   In some cases, this will mean help-  retirement  after  successful  careers  and   as they could, and so we have to actu-
                 ing the client see the need to set a strict   decades of diligent saving and investing   ally give people permission and show
                 budget and avoid excessive discretion-  in retirement plans and private accounts,   them how they can spend more without
                 ary spending. In other cases, however,   there’s a tremendous amount of wealth   running out of money in retirement.
                 the financial picture is a lot rosier, and   that has been earmarked for retirement.  We all get taught about the importance
                 the real hurdle to retirement success is   What’s  more,  many  older  Americans   of saving, but we don’t necessarily get
                 the client’s ingrained sense that “saving   who are early in their retirement journey   those same lessons about how to spend.
                 is good, and spending is bad.” In the real   become the recipients of legacy giving   You spend a career putting money into
                 world, things are much more complicat-  from their elderly parents, and it can be   the 401(k), and then you get to the end   Adobe Stock
                 ed, Hopkins says, and the typical advisor   psychologically challenging to account   of your career and suddenly you are

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