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                Kitces, Pershing CIO: Advisors Should Use Tech to Offer
                Better Advice

                Technology has enabled advisors to                                   ‘Surprising‘ Year at Pershing
                offer better advice to their clients and                             During the Insite opening keynote,
                spend more time communicating with                                   Emily Schlosser, who joined the firm
                them by making it possible to spend                                  just under a year ago as its chief oper-
                much less time dealing with mundane                                  ating officer, said the one word that
                tasks, according to Michael Kitces, head                             summed up her first 11 months with the
                of planning strategy at Buckingham                                   firm was “surprising.”
                Wealth Partners and co-founder of XY                                  “Everything that’s happened to us
                Planning Network, and Ram Nagappan,                                  over the course of the last 11 months has
                chief information officer at BNY                                     been surprising in one way or another,”
                Mellon’s Pershing.                                                   she said. “We are sitting here, 11 months
                  “Our industry really is in the midst of                            from the day I started, still in a work-
                just a huge evolutionary shift,” Kitces                              from-home environment.”
                said in early June during a virtual key-                              In addition, “there’s a lot that’s been
                note panel discussion on technology at                               going on around us that is having a
                the Pershing Insite conference.   to bring a product to the table” for cli-  really surprising impact on our busi-
                  Amid the rise of self-directed, do-it-  ents anymore, he said. Technology has   ness,” including social unrest in the U.S.
                yourself investing, advisors have largely   also freed advisors up to focus on their   and “the way that that’s really changed
                shifted away from selling products to   clients by simplifying such previously   our dialogue on diversity is something
                focusing on selling the advice itself that   time-consuming tasks as making a stock   that has been incredibly surprising,” she
                they provide to clients, which is a “fun-  trade, Kitces said.      explained. “I’m really encouraged by the
                damentally different business,” Kitces   Technology, including artificial intel-  depth of conversation that we’re now
                pointed out.                      ligence and automation, can be used by   having around diversity and inclusion and
                  “It wasn’t that long ago that consum-  advisory firms to “amplify our operational   how we think about our talent.”
                ers couldn’t get insurance and invest-  efficiency, transforming client experi-  The “good part” of the surprises and
                ment products — [they] literally couldn’t   ences and enabling our business growth,”   challenges that Pershing and the indus-
                access them” on their own, he noted.   Nagappan said.               try have faced over the past year is that
                Now, however, clients can “get pretty   For example, predictive analytics   they have “helped us sort of rethink
                much any financial product they want   and data science can be used by advi-  what we’re about and the direction that
                on the internet with the click of a but-  sors to better understand their clients   we’re headed,” said James Crowley, the
                ton,” he said. There is “pressure on us to   and build relationships with them,   firm’s CEO.
                add more value on top” as technology   Nagappan said. Advisors can start to   Pershing said in April it was realigning
                “keeps moving forward and makes more   have a “more meaningful conversation”   its U.S. business to address shifts it saw
                and more financial services and products   with a client if they are able to receive   “in the marketplace driven by the conver-
                available to consumers.”          data allowing them keep up with cli-  gence of business models and the move
                  However, “the advice business is doing   ents’ major life events including child-  toward holistic wealth management.” As
                better than it ever did before,” he said,   birth, a job change or the purchase of a   a result, the firm became newly aligned
                                                  new house, he explained.
                                                                                    under two main segments — Wealth
                adding: “I don’t view the technology
              Adobe Stock  as the threat but the thing that is con-  the “mundane tasks that you’re doing,”   Solutions and Institutional Solutions —
                                                    Advisors should also be automating
                tinuing to push us up the line” to offer
                                                                                    down from three segments, one of which
                                                                                    served broker-dealers. —Jeff Berman
                clients more value. It is “not enough
                                                  Nagappan said.
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