Page 21 - Investment Advisor June 2022
P. 21


                 By Allison Bell

                 Use an Annuity to Solve the Stretch

                 IRA Problem

                 Gary Mettler says the IRS closed one door but left another door open.

                        ary Mettler believes he has dis-                             SECURE ACT CHANGES
                        covered a solution to a painful                              The  Secure  Act  changed  the  rules  for
                 Gnew estate planning problem:                                       those who inherit traditional IRAs. Now,
                 the death of the stretch IRA.                                       most heirs must take all of the cash out
                   Mettler — who bills himself as the                                of the IRA within 10 years, and include
                 “Annuity Maestro” and is author of                                  all of that cash in taxable income during
                 “Always Keep Your Hands Up!” —                                      that 10-year period.
                 says the new IRS proposed required                                    The Secure Act exempts four classes
                   minimum distribution regulations                                  of “eligible designated beneficiaries”
                 show that taxpayers can get around                                  from the 10-year rule:
                 the  effects  of  the  change  by  making                             •  Surviving spouses.
                 single-premium immediate  annuities,                                  •  Disabled or chronically ill benefi-
                 or SPIAs, part of their estate planning   TAX EXPENDITURES             ciaries.
                 arrangements.                     The federal government sees the tax rev-  •  Beneficiaries who are not more than
                   The IRS intends to let taxpayers pass   enue lost due to use of IRAs, 401(k) plans   10 years younger than the original
                 both SPIAs and inheritable defined ben-  and other retirement savings arrange-  IRA owner.
                 efit pension plans on to children, grand-  ments as “tax expenditures.” When mem-  •  Any children of the IRA owner who
                 children, siblings, friends and other   bers of Congress propose legislation that   are under age 21.
                 heirs  in  a  way  that  can  hold  down  the   will cut federal revenue or increase fed-  The changes have discouraged use of
                 heirs’ tax bills, Mettler told Investment   eral spending, they are supposed to offer   the stretch IRA strategy by IRA owners
                 Advisor in an April email.        ideas for offsetting the impact of those   who believe that the beneficiaries inher-
                   From the perspective of the IRS,   changes on the federal budget deficit.  iting the IRAs may well be adult chil-
                 the stretch IRA rules in the Setting   One popular source of pay-fors is   dren, nieces, nephews or other people off
                 Every Community Up for Retirement   rules that help relatively affluent people   the eligible designated beneficiary list.
                 Enhancement (Secure) Act of 2019   cut the amount of federal income taxes
                 apply only to defined contribution plans   they and their heirs pay. Lawmakers   THE SPIA SOLUTION
                 and investment IRA accounts, not to   used a change in the stretch IRA rules   An immediate annuity is a contract
                 SPIAs, Mettler added.             to offset about $16 billion of the Secure   that pays a stream of benefits that
                   SPIAs  “are not  the  industry  favorite   Act budget impact over the period from   starts shortly after the customer pays
                 sons,” Mettler said. “The annuity indus-  2020 through 2029, according to a   for the annuity. A SPIA is a type of
                 try  itself  has  not  been  very  supportive,   Congressional  Research Service report   immediate annuity that’s purchased
                 as they prefer their agents to continue   on the stretch IRA proposal.  with a large lump sum of cash. Mettler
                 to sell investment/savings design annu-  As most advisors know, RMD rules   has based his SPIA solution proposal
                 ity contracts.”                   limit an IRA holder’s ability to use a   on his reading of the text of the new
                   But increasing use of SPIAs may   traditional IRA as a tax shelter or as an   proposed RMD regulations, including
                 now be a good tool for helping clients   estate planning tool, according to the   the proposed regulations.
                 meet planning objectives, Mettler said.   Congressional  Research Service analy-  Based on the text in that section of the
                 If Mettler is right, advisors might find   sis. But, before 2020, any heirs who   proposed regulations, “anyone can do a
                 themselves helping clients find the life   inherited traditional IRAs could stretch   stretch IRA by purchasing a very simple
             Adobe Stock  help those clients pass retirement sav-  basing calculation of the RMD amounts   anyone  they  want,  without  conditions,
                                                   the account’s tax-deferring power by
                                                                                     IRA periodic payment annuity and name
                 insurers that do like to sell SPIAs, to
                                                                                     to succeed them,” Mettler said.
                 ings on to heirs.
                                                   on their own life expectancy.
                                                                                           JUNE 2022 INVESTMENT ADVISOR 19
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