Page 47 - Investment Advisor April/May 2022
P. 47

It really reinforced a lot of the most   business about money and finances?  us  a  small  grant  because  they  wanted
                 negative messages that women receive   Yes. I’m not a financial advisor or finan-  to support what we were doing. That
                 about money. It was a financially irre-  cial planner. We work with a lot of them,   empowered Lauren and me to leave our
                 sponsible view of womanhood, what it   though. I don’t pretend to be a certified   jobs and start working full time on The
                 means to be a woman and what makes   expert in any capacity. For specific proj-  Financial Diet.
                 a woman’s life successful, especially   ects or events, we consult with people
                 in how it handled financial questions.   who have either their Series 7 or are   You  studied  international  relations  and
                 There was a very strong implication   certified financial planners.  affairs  at Anne Arundel Community
                 that the protagonist’s financial irre-                              College [in Maryland] from 2008 to
                 sponsibility [should be] considered   Why did you write a blog about money   2010. So where did you get the know-
                 aspirational. This was viewed through   on Tumblr?                  how to run a business?
                 a very positive lens.                                                       It was learning through
                                                ‘I started The Financial                     growth. When we started, it
                 You’ve  said that you  used                                                 was just my co-founder and
                 to be “bad with money.” In   Diet in the summer of 2014                     I. In the early stages, I had to
                 what way?                                                                   do quite a lot myself. But in
                 I had a terrible relationship   as a way to hold myself                     the past few years, it’s been a
                 with money. I didn’t pay my                                                 matter of finding good people
                 bills. I was in credit card   accountable [financially]. It                 who can lead the parts of the
                 debt. I defaulted on loans.                                                 business that I’m not really
                 Ultimately, I was arrested for   was intended to be a public                qualified to lead.
                 driving on a suspended license   personal journal; it was never               We have a staff of 12. I don’t
                 and suspended registration,                                                 manage  a  lot  of  the  logisti-
                 both of which stemmed from   intended to be my business.’                   cal aspects of running the
                 financial problems.                                                         business. We have a head of
                                                                                             finance and operations who
                 You’ve had your own business for eight   I started The Financial Diet in the sum-  does  quite  a  lot  of  the  administrative
                 years. I assume that nowadays you’re   mer of 2014 as a way to hold myself   aspects. And we have a head of sales.
                 good with money. If so, what brought   accountable [financially]. It was intend-
                 about the change?                 ed to be a public personal journal; it   What’s the secret to your success?
                 When I sold my first book in 2012, for   was  never  intended  to  be  my  business.   For any small business, it usually
                 the first time in my life I had a decent-  [I wrote about] changes I was making   involves a lot of luck and timing. So
                 sized windfall of cash. I realized that I’d   in my spending or observances about   when we entered this space, it was a
                 be able to pay off my credit card debt,   improving my relationship with money   very  small  space. We  didn’t  have  a lot
                 which was the thing that was primarily   — what I was doing with money. At the   of competition. [In regard to how] we
                 damaging my finances. So I did that, and   time, I was working at Thought Catalog   run the business, the executives are paid
                 the feeling of getting rid of all that debt   as creative director of branded content   well above average; but those at the top,
                 was empowering and made me want to   writing, and creating ad campaigns.  including  me, aren’t paid much  more
                 make more positive financial choices.                               than [many  of] the  entry-level  people.
                                                   What prompted you to turn the blog into   My salary is pretty much in the middle
                 Does it strike you as ironic that someone   your business?          of what we pay everyone. So not having
                 who had such trouble with their finances   Shortly after I started that page, my co-  those very expensive executive salaries
                 now has a business educating women on   founder Lauren Ver Hage, then an ad   puts a lot less financial pressure on
                 how to handle their money?        agency art director, reached out and said   the company and allows us to be com-
                 Not at all. Because ultimately, people   she was looking for side projects and   petitive in hiring — and therefore very
                 generally take an interest in things when   would love to redesign my blog so that   selective about who we hire. That allows
                 they’re forced to.                it looked more appealing. So she did.   our employee retention to be extremely
                                                   Very shortly thereafter, a foundation   high, which, in the long term, costs us a
                 At age 24, did you take any courses or   that works with educational projects   lot less in turnover. That’s been a huge
                 consult  with  people  on  how to  start  a   on  the  internet  reached  out  and  gave   driver of our sustainability.

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