Page 28 - Investment Advisor March 2022
P. 28

Cover Story

                       When are IRA funds transferred between         Catch-up contributions are additional
                 2 spouses or incident to a divorce treated as      elective deferrals  for individuals 50 or
                 taxable distributions?                             older, which are not subject to the gen-
                 An individual may transfer, without tax, the individual’s IRA   eral contribution ceiling of $14,000 in
                 to his or her spouse or former spouse under a divorce or sepa-  2022.  All  SIMPLE  IRA  contributions
                 rate maintenance decree or a written instrument incident to   are excludable from the employee’s
                 the divorce. The IRA then is maintained for the benefit of the   income, provided they meet certain
                 former spouse. Any other assignment of an IRA is a deemed   design  requirements  set  forth  in  the
                 distribution of the amount assigned.               IRC. Moreover, certain lower-income
                                                                    taxpayers may be eligible to claim the
                       Are IRA distributions subject to the 3.8%    saver’s credit for salary reduction con-
                 3 net investment income tax?                       tributions to a SIMPLE IRA.
                 Distributions from traditional and Roth IRAs are not subject
                 to the 3.8% net investment income tax (also known as the   How are amounts
                 Medicare contribution tax) imposed under the Affordable  6 distributed from a
                 Care Act. The tax equals 3.8% of the lesser of a taxpayer’s net   traditional IRA taxed?
                 investment income for the taxable year, or the excess (if any)   Distributions from a traditional IRA gen-
                 of the taxpayer’s modified adjusted gross income for the year,   erally are taxed under IRC section 72
                 over a threshold amount ($200,000 for a taxpayer filing an   (relating to the taxation of annuities). A
                 individual return and $250,000 for a taxpayer filing jointly).   portion of the distribution may be exclud-
                 IRC Section 1411 specifically excludes distributions from both   able from income — this amount in a given
                 traditional and Roth IRAs and other qualified plans from the   year is that portion of the distribution
                 definition of “net investment income.”             that bears the same ratio to the amount
                                                                    received as the taxpayer’s investment in
                       Who is an “active participant” for purposes   the contract (ie., nondeductible contribu-
                 4 of IRA eligibility rules and deduction limits?   tions) bears to the expected return under
                 Suppose an individual is an “active participant” in: (1) a quali-  the contract. In no case will the total amount excluded exceed
                 fied corporate or Keogh pension, profit sharing, stock bonus,   the unrecovered investment in the contract.
                 or annuity plan; (2) a simplified employee pension or SIMPLE   All traditional IRAs are treated as one contract, all distribu-
                 IRA; (3) a Section 403(b) tax sheltered annuity; or (4) a gov-  tions during the year are treated as one distribution and the
                 ernment plan. In those instances, the individual’s deduction   value of the contract, income on the contract, and the invest-
                 limit for contributions to a traditional IRA may be reduced   ment are computed on the close of the calendar year or when
                 or eliminated. The limitation applies if the individual or their   the taxable year begins.
                 spouse was an active participant for any part of the plan year   Example: Bill King has made nondeductible contributions
                 that ended with or within the taxable year.        to a traditional IRA totaling $2,000, giving him a basis at the
                                                                    end of 2022 of $2,000. By the end of 2023, his IRA earns $400
                       How are SIMPLE IRA plan                      in interest income. In that year, Bill receives a distribution of
                 5 contributions taxed?                             $600. Of that amount, the nontaxable portion of the distribu-
                 A SIMPLE (savings incentive match plan for employees)   tion is equal to $500.
                 IRA plan is a simplified, tax-favored retirement plan offered
                 by small employers that provides employees with a simpli-  How are amounts distributed from a
                 fied method to contribute toward their retirement savings.  7 Roth IRA taxed?
                 Employees may choose to make salary reduction contributions   “Qualified distributions” from a Roth IRA are not included in
                 (aka elective deferrals) and the employer is required to make   gross income. Thus, earnings are tax-free, not tax deferred as
                 either matching or nonelective contributions. Contributions   with traditional IRAs.
                 are made to an IRA set up for each employee that meets certain   A “qualified distribution” made after the five-taxable year
                 vesting, participation and administrative requirements.  period beginning with the first taxable year for which the
                   There are four permissible types of contributions to a   individual (or their spouse) made a contribution to a Roth IRA
                 SIMPLE IRA plan: (1) salary reduction contributions, (2) catch-  must meet these requirements:
                 up contributions, (3) matching contributions and (4) nonelec-  1.  It is made on or after the date on which the individual
                 tive contributions. Salary reduction and catch-up contributions   attains age 59 ½
                 are made by the employee, and the employer is responsible for   2.  It is made to a beneficiary (or estate of individual) on or
                 making either a matching or nonelective contribution.   after individual’s death

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