Page 19 - Investment Advisor March 2022
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employees  and  advance the  firm’s   To attract and retain top talent, RIA   benefits can be used to directly impact
                 goals,” the report said. At the median   firms  can  “ensure  they  have  a  com-  employee satisfaction, support develop-
                 firms, one in three staff members are   pelling compensation strategy and a   ment, and incentivize staff with long-
                 equity owners.                    well-defined employee value proposi-  term opportunities.”
                   “A firm’s compensation strategy,   tion to help differentiate them in a   Such benefits include workplace
                 especially  incentives,  can  help  drive   competitive labor market,” according   flexibility  to  support  work-life  balance
                 overall firm goals when aligned with the   to Schwab.               which, amid the pandemic, “prospective
                 firm’s strategic plan,” the report said.   Providing various benefits is a crucial   and current employees are seeking,” the
                 “Firms using performance-based incen-  part of a firm’s offer to talent but “tra-  report said.
                 tive pay  more often  have  documented   ditional benefits like health and dental   Schwab’s poll for the 2022 RIA
                 foundational elements and see stronger   insurance are typically considered table   Benchmarking Study is now open,
                 long-term results.”               stakes,” the report said. “Non-traditional   it said.

                 4 Big Reasons RIA Deals Are Surging

                        IA merger and acquisition activ-  The RIA Deal Book focuses mainly   transactions surpassed the previous
                        ity skyrocketed in 2021, setting a   on the acquisitions and mergers of what   record of 65 set in the third quarter.
                 R record for the eighth consecutive   DeVoe & Co. considers “true” RIAs, and
                 year, DeVoe & Co. reported in January.   limits its tracking to RIAs with upward   3. BENEFITS OF SCALE.
                 With 242 transactions posted, 2021   of $100 million to optimize the statisti-  Over  the  last  four  years,  advisors  have
                 volume was 52% higher than in 2020,   cal accuracy of their reporting. Analysts   increasingly been attracted to the ben-
                 according to DeVoe’s RIA Deal Book.  screen out SEC-registered hedge funds,   efits of scale, joining larger organizations
                   All seller sizes increased their activ-  IBDs, mutual fund companies and other   to gain access to broader service capa-
                 ity in 2021, but the big story last year   companies that do not operate as tradi-  bilities and eliminate administrative bur-
                 was the doubling of midsize sellers as   tional RIA firms.          dens. Many of today’s buyers — mainly
                 volume of sales by firms with between   Regardless  of  how  near-term  trends   private equity-backed consolidators with
                 $500 million and $1 billion in assets   and drivers affect 2022, RIA M&A will   sophisticated management teams — have
                 under  management.  The  category   continue its upward trajectory for the   carefully designed processes that can
                 added 6 percentage points to comprise   next seven or more years, the report   expand  the  profitability  and  accelerate
                 23% of transactions.              said. Here are four reasons for the cur-  the growth of acquired firms. An acquirer
                   The prominence of midsize and larg-  rent surge:                  with a profit-increasing, growth-driving
                 er sellers drove the average assets of                              machine can pay more for firms that will
                 selling firms to a record high of $1.1   1. THE LIFE-AND-DEATH REALITY    benefit from these capabilities.
                 billion  — excluding  sellers with  more   OF COVID.
                 than $5 billion in assets to eliminate the   The coronavirus has spurred many   4. HIGH VALUATIONS.
                 effect of outliers. In aggregate, the total   advisors to examine their succession   RIA valuations have steadily climbed in
                 assets transacted also reached a peak,   plans — or lack of one. A good number   the past decade, and now exceed those
                 ending the year at nearly $600 billion.  decided that an external sale was a   of 2008. Even so, some 40% of advisors
                   On the buyer side, consolidators were   partial or full solution. The result? So   expect valuation to increase in 2022. One
                 dominant in 2021, executing 53% of all   many sellers signed on the dotted line   effect of these high valuations is that
                 transactions, up 10 points from the pre-  that the volume stretched the capacity   next-generation advisors are increasingly
                 vious year. According to the report, this   of buyers.              unable to afford to buy their founders out.
                 momentum is the result of larger and                                Only 38% of advisors are confident that
                 more productive consolidator M&A and   2. LOOMING TAX CHANGES.      the next generation can buy out current
                 integration teams. Another accelerant is   Potential forthcoming tax changes pro-  owners. The alternative for those who are
                 the proliferation of new entrants, often   pelled  advisors  already  headed  toward   uncertain? Selling externally will be best
                 acquisitive RIAs that have shifted to   the “sell zone” to close deals before   for  some firms, while selling minority
                 become consolidators.             year-end 2021. The 76 fourth-quarter   stakes will be better for others.

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