Page 14 - Investment Advisor March 2021
P. 14


                By Tim Welsh

                What if Walmart Had a Robo Advisor?

                Being a highly regulated industry may protect wealth management from
                this new threat … or maybe not.

                W         hen wealth management

                          “what  keeps you  up at
                night?” or “what are you most worried
                about?”  their  usual  responses  haven’t
                been about their fears of losing market
                share to current rivals or any of the
                annoying startups backed by venture
                capital. Rather, their real anxieties are
                laser-focused on what could happen if
                the big tech titans like Amazon, Google
                or Apple finally turn their disruptive
                appetites on the business of financial
                  After all, these goliaths  have  had
                a devastating history of wiping tra-
                ditional industries off the face of
                the planet and replacing them with
                their brutal efficiencies, cost savings,   middle-man  distribution  inefficiencies   Thus, when news broke in January
                elegant interfaces and middle-man   have been commoditized, dramatically   that Walmart had created a new fintech
                crushing technologies to provide a   reducing competition.          start up with venture capital firm Ribbit
                better  customer  experience.  In  fact,   In many areas of financial services,   Capital to develop and offer “modern,
                if they even start sniffing around   thought, there are expensive, clunky and   innovative and affordable solutions,”
                a  particular  industry,  stock  prices   manual processes that remain part of   the REM sleep cycles of asset manager,
                get hammered. Case in point: When   product manufacturing and distribution   broker-dealer and insurance company
                Amazon  acquired  Whole  Foods,  all   in the legacy businesses of mutual funds,   executives probably were cut in half.
                bets were off in the traditional indus-  insurance products and the like — and   “For years, millions of customers have
                try of food distribution.         this does open the door for a non-tradi-  put their trust in Walmart to not only
                  To date, wealth management has   tional goliath to exploit.       save them money when they shop with
                been insulated from the reach of the                                us but help them manage their finan-
                tech titans by, of all things, regulation.   800-POUND GORILLA?     cial needs,” said John Furner, president
                These titans have said many times   Let’s  consider  the  one 800-pound   and CEO of Walmart, in a statement
                that they don’t like highly regulated   Gorilla that hasn’t made the list of   announcing the new strategic partner-
                industries and there are so many more   what keeps wealth management lead-  ship with Ribbit Capital.
                fruitful markets still waiting for them   ers up at night: Walmart. The world’s   Of particular worry to the wealth
                to dominate.                      largest retailer typically isn’t thought   management industry is that Ribbit
                  Also  — and  probably the biggest   of in the same disruptive categories   Capital has real experience in this area,
                barrier to entry — is that the current   as the tech titans, yet the potential is   having been behind fintech startup suc-
                wealth space already is an oligopoly of   there for it to completely re-write the   cesses such as Robinhood, Credit Karma
                trillion-dollar companies. These firms   distribution and delivery of financial   and Affirm. This means the combina-  BigTunaOnline/Shutterstock
                are highly entrenched brands that have   services, forever altering the comfort-  tion of Walmart and Ribbit could be the
                invested massively in technology, driv-  able, highly profitable world in which   beginning of something truly disruptive.
                ing many costs to zero; much of the   many of the industry still lives.  “When we combine our deep

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