Page 30 - Investment Advisor January/February 2022
P. 30

Cover Story

                  What to Tell Clients About Their Social Security
                  Social Security is the bedrock of the                             benefits across the board in important
                  American retirement system. Over 65                               targeted ways. It would also cut the
                  million people, or more than one in six                           long-range shortfall by more than half.”
                  U.S. residents, collected Social Security                          The bill begins to address the
                  benefits in June 2021. And by the end of                          projected Trust Funds’ shortfall,
                  2020, nearly 9 out of 10 Americans over                           states Maria Freese, senior policy
                  the age of 65 received Social Security                            expert at the National Committee to
                  benefits, according to the Social Security                        Preserve Social Security & Medicare,
                  Administration.                                                   a lobby group. She notes in an email:
                    For at least 62% of American retir-                             “According to the Social Security
                  ees, Social Security is more than half of their income, and for   Administration’s chief actuary, H.R. 5723 would slash the
                  another third, it’s almost all their retirement income, accord-  long-range actuarial deficit by one-half, from 3.54% of payroll
                  ing to Jamie Hopkins, managing partner of wealth solutions at   to 1.71%.”
                  Carson Group.                                      This move also would improve “the percentage of sched-
                    So what do experts expect will happen in 2022 to either   uled benefits that are projected to be payable on a timely
                  shore up or chip away at this government program? We asked.  basis from today’s 78% to 87%. As a result [the bill] will
                    “Sometimes I get asked, is Social Security going away?”   make a significant down payment toward keeping the system
                  Hopkins told Investment Advisor. “I respond that, ‘Well, if   on sound financial footing.”
                  we’re okay with two-thirds of America’s retirees essentially
                  not being able to meet any of their basic needs, then we   The Downside
                  could [take] Social Security away.”              Not everyone is as optimistic that changes will be made to
                    The importance, and success, of the program can’t be   shore up Social Security.
                  underestimated, Hopkins continued. “The longer we go with-  “The longer they drag their feet the more anxious consum-
                  out fixing it, the harder it is to fix over time,” he says. “We   ers become, the more sensational the headlines get, and the
                  also start to erode confidence in a system that is arguably the   more retirees react to being scared and make poor claiming
                  most efficient financial instrument ever built, which is a con-  decisions,” says Marcia Mantell, who is founder and president
                  cern when people are like, ‘what could we do instead?’  of Mantell Retirement Consulting. “It is infuriating at this point
                    “Nobody’s ever come up with a better financial instrument   that despite a number of representatives trying to move for-
                  than Social Security. To this point it runs with a total overhead   ward with solid fixes for Social Security (John Larson among
                  of like 0.5%. There’s nothing as efficient as that on the planet   them), there seems to be no appetite to address [them].”
                  today. That’s as good as it gets.”                 Nor does Hopkins see the 2100 bill passing [in 2022]. And
                    Hopkins sees one way to improve Social Security, and that   although the system “absolutely” can be fixed, he fears the
                  is raising the payroll taxes now, which would be about 3.25%.   constant debate about it starts “to erode confidence in the
                    “The challenge of continuously pushing off Social Security   system” over time. “I do have this concern that ... people say-
                  [fixes] every year is it gets harder and harder to fix in the   ing, ‘it’s going to go away’ will become a self-fulfilling proph-
                  future because the amount you’d have to raise taxes is con-  ecy, because a lot of 30-year-olds [and younger] are saying,
                  densed, and the tax rate goes up,” he explains.  ‘well I’m not going to have Social Security,’ but no one is sav-
                    From this tax perspective, it’s pretty straightforward, he   ing enough to offset the loss of it.”
                  says. “But if we wait another 10 years, it will be substantially   Freese contends that “Social Security is not ‘going broke.’
                  higher, and the tax burden will feel even more painful.”  Nevertheless, we will no doubt hear more claims to this effect
                                                                   in 2022, mainly from conservatives who want to cut benefits.
                  Enter a Sacred Trust                             We also may hear the trope that ‘no one in Washington has
                  More optimistic is Nancy Altman, president of Social Security   the courage to address Social Security’s funding challenge.’
                  Works, a lobby group, who said “we anticipate a lot of move-  This also is untrue.”
                  ment on Social Security [in 2022], which will have a major   Altman believes the 2100 Act will pass the House this year,
                  impact on [the program],” she wrote in an email.  and “will have a head of steam. Since President Biden ran on
                    For example, the 2100 Act: A Sacred Trust introduced earlier   this issue and the Democratic Party has embraced it, there
                  this year by Rep. John Larson, D-Conn., who chairs the Social   should be momentum for hearings and action in the Senate
                  Security subcommittee, is “co-sponsored by around 90% of   as well. Republican senators will either have to support it or
                  House Democrats. The 2100 Act would expand Social Security   filibuster it, making it a campaign issue in 2022.”

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