Page 27 - Investment Advisor - Jan/Feb 2021
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spending at restaurants, the law allows   there is no requirement of an intention   extended through 2025.
                for a full deduction for such expenses in   to work.                The new law extends the period in which
                2021 and 2022.                      Therefore, even those who intention-  forgiven debt attributable to a primary
                                                  ally retired in, or voluntarily took off   residence may be excluded from income
                6. Tuition deductions are         large parts of 2020 — or even those who   through 2025 for those who go through
                streamlined.                      left the workforce in 2019 — may be able   a short sale and end up resolving their
                The tuition and related expenses deduc-  to receive one or both credits for 2020,   outstanding mortgage balance with a
                tion has been replaced by an expand-  Levine said.                  foreclosure or sale of the home for less
                ed — and more generous — lifetime                                   than the remaining balance.
                learning credit. Congress has “simplified   8. Exclusion for employer payments   However, starting in 2021, the maxi-
                our lives” with the new plan, Levine said.   of student loans is extended   mum amount of debt that can be dis-
                  Starting in 2021, the lifetime learning   through 2025.           charged  has  been  reduced  from  $2
                credit phaseout range will be aligned   Initially  authorized by the CARES  Act   million under prior law to $750,000 for
                with the American Opportunity Tax   in March for 2020 only, the ability for   joint filers, and from $1 million under
                Credit phaseout range. Both credits   an employer to provide up to $5,250   prior law to $375,000 for single filers.
                will phase out from $80,000-$90,000   of annual tax-free education assistance
                for single filers, and from  $160,000-  used to pay the principal or interest on   10. There is no additional relief on
                $180,000 for joint filers.        an employee’s qualified student debt is   RMDs.
                                                  extended through 2025.            It is significant that some widely dis-
                7. Earned income from 2019 can      These payments can be made direct   cussed potential changes were not
                be used to determine eligibility for   to a lender or they can be made to the   included in the new legislation. They
                2020 earned income tax credit and   employee, who can then use the pay-  include expected additional relief on
                additional child tax credit.      ments  to  pay  down  their  own  student   required minimum distributions from
                Section 211 of the law allows individu-  debt, Levine noted.        retirement accounts, Levine noted.
                als to use their 2019 earned income to
                calculate  the amount  they will  receive   9. The exclusion for the discharge of   Jeff Berman can be reached at jberman@
                for either credit for 2020. Significantly,   qualified principal residence debt is

                  Nearly Half of Taxpayers Don’t Know When They Last Updated Their W-4: AICPA
                  Many Americans are at risk for an unexpected tax bill in April   geous, especially if one’s personal or financial situation has
                  because they aren’t aware of the latest changes in the rede-  changed, the AICPA said.
                  signed W-4, which employees fill out to accurately calculate   The new Form W-4, which the Internal Revenue Service
                  how much federal tax to withhold from each paycheck, the   released late last year, no longer includes allowances and
                  American Institute of CPAs.                      makes it easier to coordinate across multiple jobs and with
                    A survey of nearly 1,650 taxpayers conducted by the Harris   a spouse.
                  Poll in October 2020 found that 37% of taxpayers were not   But only 26% of Americans surveyed said they had updated
                  familiar with the W-4, including 11% who said they had never   their withholding since the IRS released the redesigned W-4,
                  heard of it.                                     and only 16% had made changes to their form after the Tax
                    “Inaccurate withholding can lead to an unpleasant surprise   Cuts and Jobs Act revised withholding tables in early 2018.
                                                                     Fourteen percent of respondents said they had last updated
                  come Tax Day,” Gregory J. Anton, chairman of the AICPA’s   their withholding before either of these major changes. Worst
                  National CPA Financial Literacy Commission, said in a state-
    Andrii Yalanskyi/Shutterstock  position, it’s more important than ever to understand how with-  their withholding.
                                                                   of all, 45% of tax filers had no idea when they last updated
                  ment. “And with many individuals in a financially precarious
                  holding impacts your cash flow and overall financial situation.”
                                                                     “People tend to overlook a few extra bucks in their take-home
                    Although the IRS does not require American taxpayers to
                                                                   pay, but they sure notice when they get a $300 tax bill instead
                                                                   of a $1,500 refund,” Anton said. “This underscores why under-
                  submit the new W-4 unless they are requesting a change to
                                                                   standing and updating your tax withholding is so important —
                  their withholding or starting a new job, revisiting the form to
                  ensure the current withholding is accurate can be advanta-
                                                                   it directly impacts your budget.” —Michael S. Fischer

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