Client prospecting tips for insurance agents and other financial professionals.
December 10, 2015
The new DNC list: To connect with prospects, become a contactThe personal DNC list" of smartphone users is everyone who is not a contact. If you're not one, you're out of luck.
December 04, 2015
9 tips for producers to get out of a sales slumpYou can break out of a sales slump with a little focus.
November 30, 2015
What to Do When Prospecting FailsThere are all kinds of places the wheels can fall off of your prospecting machine, Bill Good says. Here's how to restart it.
October 28, 2015
Prospecting through technologyI speak to producers every day who are resisting the future as though it's some kind of terrible menace that wants to make their lives miserable. But in reality, it's not getting worse for us, it's getting better.
October 28, 2015
Prospecting through technologyI speak to producers every day who are resisting the future as though it's some kind of terrible menace that wants to make their lives miserable. But in reality, it's not getting worse for us, it's getting better.
September 25, 2015
Why I succeeded in sales (and how you can too)Are you terrified of failing? Fear is a powerful motivator; use it to fuel your drive to succeed.
September 15, 2015
Do you even deserve a meeting?When prospecting, your job is to establish yourself as a value creator.
September 04, 2015
Why your sales reps can’t closeAre your sales reps neglecting important activities during the early stages of the sales process?
July 14, 2015
Sell like you’re on the highlight reelSelling is tough. To rise above the competition, you need to make the extra effort and sell like an MVP.
June 16, 2015
How to get motivatedA struggling practice that has all of the necessary tools to get the job done but cant succeed probably has a motivation problem.