Investment Strategies
Get the latest market outlook, as well as news and analysis on mutual funds, ETFs and alternative investments, all designed to help you construct a well-balanced portfolio for your clients
August 18, 2006
High-Quality Stocks Outperform in Second QuarterS&P report finds sharp reversal from first quarter
August 07, 2006
July Brings Relief to MSCI Investable IndexHedge funds put up a month of slightly positive returns in July, as investors in the MSCI Hedge Invest index saw an increase of 0.22% for the month.
August 01, 2006
Dissecting the Value RallyMarket risk can show itself in some intriguing ways. Even though traders have been treated to an especially robust earnings season, growth stocks are being taken to the woodshed.
April 01, 2006
Best of BreedSeparately managed accounts (SMAs) are a segment of money management that is growing ever more popular with advisors who work with high-net-worth individuals, large family...
March 01, 2006
Allocation Without BordersWhen Ranji Nagaswami spoke at our Wealth Advisor Summit last December about an equities portfolio strategy that produces long-term outperformance along with reduced risk, we...
February 01, 2006
Down, Then Up, in 2006Economic growth will slow a bit; earnings growth will moderate; large-cap will outperform small cap, non-U.S. equities will outperform U.S. equities for the fifth year...
February 01, 2006
Risky BusinessIn the September 2005 Investment Advisor, we showed that characteristic (value-growth and market capitalization) constrained investing costs investors almost 300 basis points per year. Then,...
February 01, 2006
Silk PursesThe average mutual fund investor made money in 2005. Perhaps not as much as in 2004, but positive returns were the norm, nonetheless. On the...
January 01, 2006
Off the GridAt the Wealth Advisor Summit, Craig Callahan, founder and president of Icon Advisers, Inc. in Greenwood Village, Colorado, made a compelling case for releasing portfolio...
January 01, 2006
Latin Funds Soar NorthwardInvesting in Latin American stocks has been very lucrative the past few years. The continent offers immense commodities and natural resources, a cheap labor force,...