Equity Funds
Learn about the latest developments among equity mutual funds, including active and passive funds.
July 08, 2021
DFA Plans Its First Bond ETFsThe firm is planning four bond ETFs — two investment grade, one TIPS ETF and one municipal fund.
June 22, 2021
Large Cap Equity Manager of the Year: Harbor Capital/Jennison AssociatesThe portfolio team looks at a longer-term horizon than others and at companies that create "true economic value."
June 16, 2021
U.S. Household Wealth Surged Despite COVID-19Wealthy and lower-income households gained, according to Fed data analyzed by ING.
June 03, 2021
Active Large-Cap Funds Just Had One of Their Best Months EverNearly 70% outperformed their Russell 1000 benchmark, according to Bank of America Securities.
June 01, 2021
Vanguard to Change Benchmarks for 3 Stock Dividend FundsVanguard will be switching benchmarks from Nasdaq indexes to S&P indexes in the third quarter of this year.
April 30, 2021
Christine Benz: Biden Tax Plan Is Wake-Up Call to Trim Portfolio RiskMorningstar's director of personal finance says advisors need to worry less about taxes and more about concentrated positions.
April 05, 2021
Matthews Asia Merges Two Funds Due to Asset Overlap: Portfolio ProductsAlso, FTSE Russell is adding Chinese government bonds to its World Bond Index.
March 11, 2021
Advisors Should Go Beyond the 'Easy' ButtonWhile indexing has benefits like lower costs, actively managed investments may offer advantages in some asset classes.
October 16, 2020
Vanguard's Head of U.S. Trading Is Retiring at Year-EndMichael Buek, who has been with Vanguard for 33 years, is also a principal of its U.S. Equity Index Group.
August 31, 2020
Active Equity Fund Investors Beat Indexers in Q2: DalbarThey withdrew less and invested more on a net basis compared to their passive fund counterparts.