Mergers and Acquisitions
Learn the latest on dealmaking in wealth management and financial services, including the latest mergers and acquisitions (or M&A) news.
June 05, 2003
Financial Industries Makes Three AcquisitionsNU Online News Service, June 5, 2003, 12:31 p.m. EDT -- Financial Industries Corp., Austin, Texas, says it is acquiring three companies that sell ...
May 04, 2003
Think Youre Indispensable? Think Again!By Michael C. SaylesIn decades past, people entered the insurance field and spent their entire career with one or two organizations. That scenario is increasingly ...
April 09, 2003
SNL: Insurers Make Fewer DealsNU Online News Service, April 9, 2003, 4:48 p.m. EDT -- Insurance companies announced 55 mergers and acquisitions in the first quarter, down from ...
January 28, 2003
Cerulli Finds Increase In Fund Deal Success RateNU Online News Service, Jan. 28, 9:45 a.m. -- U.S. mutual fund companies acquired in 2001 did better than fund companies acquired in 2000, ...
January 15, 2003
Fitch: Acquisitions May Stabilize Life IndustryNU Online News Service, Jan. 15, 5:45 p.m. -- Increased acquisition activity will be critical to the stability of the life insurance industry this ...
January 08, 2003
McNees Wallace Forms Insurance Practice GroupNU Online News Service, Jan. 8, 11:44 a.m. -- McNees Wallace & Nurick L.L.C., Harrisburg, Pa., a law firm, has formed an insurance industry ...
December 05, 2002
Humana To Cut 2,300 JobsNU Online News Service, Dec. 5, 10:04 a.m. -- Humana Inc., Louisville, Ky., says it will be spending more than $100 million in 2003 ...
September 27, 2002
Michigan Forbids Blue Cross ConversionNU Online News Service, Sept. 27, 6:45 p.m. -- Michigan Lt. Gov. Dick Posthumus today signed S.B. 749, a bill that prohibits Blue Cross ...
July 10, 2002
WFG Acquires Insurance M&A FirmNU Online News Service, July 10, 5:05 p.m. -- WGF Capital Advisors L.P., Harrisburg, Pa., an investment banking firm, has acquired Capital Financial Services ...