Tax Reform
Learn about the latest tax reform developments and their potential impact on your clients' income, portfolios and financial plans more broadly.
November 15, 2005
PBGC Chief: The Money Will Run OutThe Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., the agency that insures U.S. workers' defined benefit pension plans, ran a $23 billion deficit during the quarter that ...
November 09, 2005
Move To Derail House Version Of TRIA Creates UncertaintyDemand by conservatives to add tort reform provisions could kill the billWashingtonThe likelihood that some of the more innovative and controversial provisions of the ...
October 27, 2005
Trickle My FancyTrickle My FancyI have never understood the much-vaunted trickle-down economic theory and how it was supposed to work.And since the theory never has worked ...
October 20, 2005
Tax Reform Panel Signals Its IntentionsPresident Bush's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform said October 18 that it would recommend the following changes to the President come Nov. 1: moving the current tax code structure to a consumption tax; making the deduction of home mortgage interest payments into a tax credit and lowering the mortgage...
September 07, 2005
Estate Ta Future Is MurkyThe future of estate taxes remains unclear. It seems as if this has been the case since Congress implemented the Economic Growth and Tax ...
August 31, 2005
LegislationrounduppostalLegislationrounduppostalLines:Banner--LegislationIn terms of its aftermath, Hurricane Katrina's range of destruction certainly includes Washington, D.C.'s political agenda. And for the nation's life insurance industry that ...
August 17, 2005
Storm Scrambles Congressional CalendarA vote on repeal of the estate tax was scheduled to be among the first actions taken by the Senate last week when it ...
August 15, 2005
Industry Hails Passage Of Class Action BillWashingtonLegislation to reform the nations class action tort system was signed into law by President Bush Feb. 18, just one day after it was passed ...
July 29, 2005
Frist Delays Estate Ta VoteThe Senate will take up the estate tax issue when it returns from its August recess.[@@]Sen. Bill Frist, the Senate majority leader, announced plans ...
July 28, 2005
Frist Delays Estate Ta VoteThe Senate will take up the estate tax issue when it returns from its August recess.[@@]Sen. Bill Frist, the Senate majority leader, announced plans ...