William H. Byrnes
William Byrnes, Esq., LL.M., CWM, is an executive professor and associate dean of special projects at the Texas A&M University School of Law. A pioneer of online legal education, he also is the author or co-author of 20 tax books and legal treatises. Byrnes is also the co-author of Tax Facts, a reference solution that helps to answer critical tax questions and provides the latest tax developments.
February 02, 2015
Retirement planners: Here are 5 things to expect in 2015
February 02, 2015
Retirement planners: Here are 5 things to expect in 2015
January 29, 2015
Overcoming Sequence of Return Risk in Retirement Income
January 23, 2015
New Roth 401(k) rollovers maximize after-tax contribution value
January 23, 2015
New Roth 401(k) rollovers maximize after-tax contribution value
January 20, 2015
New Roth 401(k) Rollovers Maximize After-Tax Contribution Value
January 12, 2015
New ABLE Law Provides Big Tax-Advantaged Benefits for the Disabled
January 09, 2015
The Tax Extender Benefits for Your Clients
January 08, 2015