Marcia Mantell
Marcia Mantell, RMA, NSSA, is the founder and president of Mantell Retirement Consulting Inc., a retirement business development, marketing and communications, and education company supporting the financial services industry, advisors and their clients. She is the author of “What’s the Deal with Retirement Planning for Women?” and “What’s the Deal with Social Security for Women?” She blogs at
February 06, 2023
Beware of Social Security Agents Bearing Lump-Sum Offers
September 01, 2022
Should This Client Claim Social Security Before 70?
March 01, 2022
Social Security Benefits Are Taxed? Ouch!
January 04, 2022
The Hidden Hazards of Taking a Social Security Lump Sum
November 01, 2021
Social Security Claiming and the Divorced Spouse, Part 2: Remarriage
September 01, 2021