Tax Facts

8832 / Are there any exceptions to the comparability rules that govern employer contributions to employee HSAs?

Yes, the IRC provides an exception to the comparability rules that allows, but that does not require, employers to make larger contributions to HSAs of non-highly compensated employees than to HSAs of highly compensated employees.1

Regulations provide that employers may make larger HSA contributions for non-highly compensated employees who are comparable participating employees than for highly compensated employees who are comparable participating employees.2 However, the reverse does not apply: employer contributions to HSAs for highly compensated employees who are comparable participating employees may not be larger than employer HSA contributions for non-highly compensated employees who are comparable participating employees.3

Comparability rules continue to apply with respect to contributions to HSAs of all non-highly compensated employees and all highly compensated employees. Thus, employers must make comparable contributions for a calendar year to the HSA of each non-highly compensated comparable participating employee and each highly compensated comparable participating employee.4

1.  IRC § 4980G(d); Preamble, TD 9457, 74 Fed. Reg. 45994, 45995 (9-8-2009); see Treas. Reg. § 54.4980G-6.

2.  Treas. Reg. § 54.4980G-6, Q&A-1.

3.  Treas. Reg. § 54.4980G-6, Q&A-2.

4.  Treas. Reg. § 54.4980G-6, Q&A-1.

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