Tax Facts

8510 / What are the current income tax rates for individuals?

Based on a taxpayer’s filing status, the following individual income tax rates are applicable for 2025:1

Taxable Income
Tax Rate Single Married Filing Jointly Including Qualifying Widow(er) with Dependent Child Married Filing Separately Head of Household
10% $0 to $11,925 $0 to $23,850 $0 to $11,925 $0 to $17,000
12% $11,925-$48,475 $23,850-$96,950 $11,925-$48,475 $17,000-$64,850
22% $48,475-$103,350 $96,950-$206,700 $48,475-$103,350 $64,850-$103,350
24% $103,350-$197,300 $206,700-$394,600 $103,350-$197,300 $103,350-$197,300
32% $197,300-$250,525 $394,600-$501,050 $197,300-$250,525 $197,300-$250,500
35% $250,525-$626,350 $501,050-$751,600 $250,525-$375,800 $250,500-$626,350
37% Over $626,350 Over $751,600 Over $375,800 Over $626,350

The applicable tax rates and income thresholds imposed by the 2017 tax reform legislation are set to expire for tax years beginning after December 31, 2025.

1.   P.L. 115-97; IRC § 1(j)(2), Rev. Proc. 2024-40.

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