Tax Facts

50 / Does the substitution of one insured for another qualify as a tax-free exchange?

The substitution of one insured for another under an exchange-of-insureds option on a corporate-owned key person policy is treated by the IRS as a sale or other disposition under IRC Section 1001 and not as a tax-free exchange under IRC Section 1035(a).1 The IRS determined that an insurance company’s exchange of old corporate-owned life insurance contracts (modified endowment contracts (MECs) issued after June 8, 1997) for new corporate-owned contracts qualified as a tax-free exchange under IRC Section 1035 when each new contract would insure the life of the same individual who was insured under the old contract.2 The IRS also has ruled that if a taxpayer (employer) that owns MECs issued by the same insurance company in the same calendar year exchanges some of those MECs for new MECs issued by a second insurance company, the new contracts are not required to be aggregated with the remaining original contracts under IRC Section 72(e)(12).3
The IRS has ruled that if a taxpayer receives a check from a life insurance company under a nonqualified annuity contract, the endorsement of the check to a second company, as consideration for a second annuity contract, does not qualify as a tax-free exchange under IRC Section 1035(a)(3).
Instead, the amount received by the taxpayer is taxed on an income-first basis under IRC Section 72(e).4
See Q 19 for a discussion of the effect of an IRC Section 1035 exchange on the grandfathered status of a policy issued prior to June 21, 1988, and thus not subject to the seven pay test of IRC Section 7702A.

1.     Rev. Rul. 90-109, 1990-2 CB 191.

2.     Let. Rul. 200711014. See also Let. Rul. 200801001.

3.     Rev. Rul. 2007-38, 2007-25 IRB 1420.

4.     Rev. Rul. 2007-24, 2007-21 IRB 1282.

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