The regulations set forth two safe harbor designs for defined contribution plans.
Under the first safe harbor, referred to as a uniform allocation formula, a defined contribution plan will be nondiscriminatory if it allocates employer contributions and forfeitures for the year under an allocation formula that allocates to each employee the same percentage of plan year compensation, the same dollar amount, or the same dollar amount for each uniform unit of service (not exceeding one week) performed by the employee during the year.
1 The second safe harbor design is referred to as a uniform points allocation formula. This formula allows a defined contribution plan other than an ESOP to be nondiscriminatory even though contributions are weighted for age, service, or compensation.
2 It unfortunately imposes restrictions that limit its ability to favor higher paid employees with larger contributions and for that reason is seldom found outside the not-for-profit world.
A plan with a non-uniform allocation formula may retain its safe harbor status if the effect of the non-uniform allocation is to provide lower benefits to highly compensated employees.
1. Treas. Reg. § 1.401(a)(4)-2(b)(2).
2. Treas. Reg. § 1.401(a)(4)-2(b)(3).
3. Treas. Reg. § 1.401(a)(4)-2(b)(4)(v).