Tax Facts

314 / What are the income tax results of a partnership income continuation plan?

A partnership can agree to make payments to a retiring partner or to the estate or beneficiary of a deceased partner, other than payments in liquidation of that partner’s partnership interest. The payments either may be periodic guaranteed amounts or a share of future profits. In either case, the payments will be taxed as ordinary income to the payee.1

Payments of a guaranteed amount will be deductible by a partnership.2

Similarly, payments representing a share of profits will reduce the remaining or surviving partners’ share of distributable taxable income.3

This tax treatment applies only to payments made by a partnership as an entity and not to payments made by individual remaining or surviving partners. A partnership, even a two person partnership, will not be considered as having terminated so long as these payments are being made because partners’ interests have not been liquidated.4

1.     Rev. Rul. 71-507, 1971-2 CB 331.

2.     Treas. Reg. § 1.736-1(a)(4).

3.     IRC § 736(a).

4.     Treas. Reg. § 1.736-1(a)(6).

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