Ads and social media posts may generate leads, but the heart of life insurance sales and marketing is still one-on-one client education.
Arik "Eric" Bouskila, the founder of ARI Financial Group, made a plea for financial professionals to put spreading knowledge first in a recent interview.
"Understanding specific client needs and forming targeted relationships remains far more impactful than broad marketing efforts," Bouskila said, via email. "Our first goal is to educate our clients so they understand the value and benefits of life insurance as an asset class."
ARI representatives then explore clients' needs, goals and profiles and develop strategies to fit what they find.
"Success depends on educating clients about the nuances of these strategies," Bouskila said.
What it means: For many financial professionals, serving clients is still an artisanal process.
ARI Financial: Bouskila started ARI Financial in 2009.