In the few weeks since the U.S. election, concerns about Social Security are more pronounced than ever.
Several advisors have asked for ways to help angst-ridden clients deal with escalating worries that their checks will stop soon or that benefits they are planning on will be eliminated.
Connecting the right dots should ease some anxiety and empower clients to make better Social Security decisions, even in these turbulent times.
Concerns Come From Two Main Sources
Headlines are dripping with fear and the foreshadowing of a bleak future. Clients in or nearing retirement are reading about Social Security’s demise and losing sleep.
The other source of angst is clients’ lack of understanding of Social Security as a law. And laws don’t change without congressional action.
Despite the incoming administration’s resolve to protect Social Security, the fear is real, especially for retirees who receive a sizable portion of their income from Social Security. This also resonates with those who rely on Social Security to leave a large portion of their assets to family legacy goals.
How Clients Interpret What They Hear
Without a clear understanding of how Social Security works, it’s a tall order for clients to correctly connect the dots. Instead, they come to conclusions that often are incorrect and off-base.
They’ve heard that the trust fund is running dry by 2033. Yes, this is the latest estimate. Or clients have heard that immigration reform will result in fewer workers paying into the system. Also true.