10 Social Prospecting Mistakes to Avoid

Slideshow October 28, 2024 at 03:22 PM
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Many advisors get involved in local nonprofit organizations, an excellent way to give back. It is also an easy way to meet high-net-worth individuals on a level playing friend. When you connect with a good cause, the mission of the organization is the common factor shared by everyone. Advisors, though, can be quite forward, so it's important to resist trying too hard and sending the wrong message. Your involvement in HNW circles in the nonprofit community can be all about perception.  Financial advisors operate under a great disadvantage: If an advisor previously involved with this charity could be included "advisors behaving badly," an organization's concern is that you are like them. Whatever an advisor might have done to upset people, the charity assumes that  you share the same negative trait. Don't prove them right. In the gallery are 10 potential pitfalls to avoid in social prospecting.