Clients Waiting Until 70 to Claim Social Security? 3 Bits of Friendly Advice

As clients get ready to claim benefits, there are some hidden dots to connect.

Overall, financial advisors have done an excellent job helping clients maximize their Social Security benefits by waiting until 70 to claim. While not every client can — or is willing to — wait that long, it is an effective strategy. 

As clients near age 70 and are ready to claim benefits, you may find these practical bits of advice helpful for you to connect the often forgotten dots.

Tip 1: Set expectations for how and when to apply for benefits.

The most common questions are around how and when to claim. Best option is to apply online at Most find the application easy to fill out. It takes 5 to 10 minutes if clients already have their my Social Security account set up.

They should apply one to two months before their 70th birthday month. Importantly, they should make a note in the “Remarks” box on the application that they want benefits to start at age 70 to receive their maximum.

Connect these dots for your clients:

Remind clients there is a tremendous amount of scamming going on toward seniors. Social Security communicates via regular USPS mail or puts information behind the login. Clients should read everything that comes in the mail and save all communications. 

Tip 2: Share critical information for clients who are still working.

For clients who continued to work and remained in their large employer group health plan, make the Social Security to Medicare Part A connection clear.

Starting Social Security any time after age 65 kickstarts a 6-month retroactive period (but starts no earlier than their 65th birthday month). Unbeknownst to clients, Medicare Part A hospitalization insurance automatically comes connected to Social Security benefits. However, Part A started behind the scenes six months prior to the application date

That means Part A started seven or eight months prior to turning 70.

There is nothing a client needs to do about this retroactive starting date unless they have been contributing to a health savings account. In that case, you should advise them to stop contributions and inform their employer about nine months before reaching 70.

Tip #3: Set expectations for smaller benefit payments.

Clients who have waited until 70 to claim know how significant their benefit payment will be. Instead of, say, $3,000 per month, they may instead get about $4,000 per month between delayed retirement credits and COLAs. But that’s only on paper.

Depending on each client’s overall financial picture, there can be reductions for:

Congratulations are in order.

Clients who have been able to wait until 70 before claiming have made a strong, strategic decision for their future retirement income. Kudos to them. Just remember to help them connect the hidden dots. It seems there is always more than meets the eye when it comes to Social Security.