Industry Groups Cheer T+1 as a Success

Firms can now "make better use of their capital while promoting financial stability," SIFMA, ICI and DTC say.

The move to T+1, the shortening of the securities transaction settlement cycle from two business days after the trade date to one, was successful, according to a new report released by the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, the Investment Company Institute and The Depository Trust & Clearing Corp.

“After more than three years of rigorous and coordinated activities to plan for — and ultimately implement — a shortened settlement cycle, the industry is recognizing reduced settlement risk across the U.S. capital markets,” the T+1 After Action Report states. “Firms are now able to make better use of their capital while promoting financial stability. Ultimately, T+1 has provided the appropriate balance between increasing efficiencies and successfully mitigating risk for the industry.”

The move to T+1 started in late May.

SIFMA, ICI and DTC warn, however, that moving to T+0 (or same-day settlement) is not simply the next step in the process.

“It would require a comprehensive independent review,” the groups said. “While T+1 has brought many benefits, further accelerating to T+0 as an industry standard could introduce significant risks and complexities. Instead, the focus should remain on global market adoption of T+1.”

The group outlined in a joint statement why the move to T+1 was successful, as demonstrated by the following metrics:


Clearing Fund:

Fail Rates:

In July, the Securities and Exchange Commission launched a sweep of advisors’ compliance with T+1.