Following the Golden Rule

Don’t miss this jam-packed episode as Steve Howard, managing partner at OL Advisors, shares how his previous positions in research and strategy prepared him for his role as a managing partner.

“The role models really continue to put that client-first approach into my head. The easiest answer is, if you put clients first, the rest should follow. And if it doesn’t, you know, it’s about process, not outcomes. And if you follow that true north, things are going to go well for you.” – Steve Howard

After 20 years of working in what many call the “captive environment”, Steve Howard decided he was ready to join the independent space. Now, as managing partner at OL Advisors, Howard’s background in portfolio management, asset allocation, and macroeconomics continues to drive his team’s client-first approach to wealth management. Don’t miss this jam-packed episode as Howard shares how his previous positions in research and strategy prepared him for his role as a managing partner. He also highlights what motivated him to make the switch to the independent space, and how mentorships played a role in his passion for following the Golden Rule.

Testimonial statements and personal experience stories may not be representative of the experience of others and is no guarantee of future performance or success. Cambridge Investment Research, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC