Real Social Security Talk with NARSSA Co-Founder Martha Shedden

On this episode of the Ask the Retirement Expert podcast, ThinkAdvisor Senior Reporter John Manganaro speaks with Martha Shedden, president and co-founder at the National Association of Registered Social Security Analysts, about the past, present and future of Social Security.

Come 2025, the Social Security system will be in its 90th year of operation, and in many ways, the key federal retirement income insurance program is showing both its age and its continuing importance to the U.S. retirement landscape.

On the one hand, there is the program’s shaky financial future to consider, with an insolvency date for the big retirement trust fund projected sometime in the mid-2030s. On the other hand, the choice about claiming Social Security is rightly viewed as the single most important financial decision the typical American makes in their lifetime.

On this episode of the Ask the Retirement Expert podcast, ThinkAdvisor Senior Reporter John Manganaro speaks with Martha Shedden, president and co-founder at the National Association of Registered Social Security Analysts, about the past, present and future of Social Security.

During the episode, Manganaro and Shedden discuss:

To listen to the previous episode, click here.

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