15 Safest Cities in America: 2023

Slideshow February 16, 2023 at 03:40 PM
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Related: World's 15 Safest Cities to Visit in 2023

The quality of a neighborhood, along with affordability and proximity to family and friends, is a primary factor for homebuyers considering where to live. So, too, is safety. SmartAsset this month released a study of the safest cities in the U.S. Researchers analyzed data from 200 of the country's largest cities across the metrics of violent crime and property crime per 100,000 residents at the city level, and at the county level, mortality rates owing to traffic accidents and drug poisoning per 100,000, and percentage of the population that engages in excessive drinking. They ranked each metro area in every metric, giving an equal weighting to all five, then found each metro area's average ranking. The metro areas with the best average rankings placed at the top of the safest cities list. The survey found that safety does not always mean a high price tag; indeed, some of the safest cities in the rankings are relatively affordable. In a fifth of the 35 cities with the highest safety rankings, housing costs are less than 20% of the median household income. The survey also found that Los Angeles is the safest big city in the U.S., ranking 46th. These are the rankings of other large metro areas:

  • San Diego: 50
  • San Antonio: 113
  • Philadelphia: 115
  • New York City: 126
  • Dallas: 130
  • Chicago: 139
  • Phoenix: 148
  • Houston: 157
See the gallery for the 15 safest cities in America, according to SmartAsset.