15 Most Educated States in America

Slideshow February 14, 2023 at 04:23 PM
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A good college education can benefit Americans in various ways, including more career opportunities, higher earnings and new social connections. The amount of education a person receives also matters, according to a new report from the personal finance website WalletHub, which cited U.S. Bureau of Statistics data. In general, a higher level of education increases potential income and reduces the chances of unemployment. WalletHub found that some states are better able to provide quality education than others. It compared the 50 states across the key dimensions of educational attainment and quality of education. Researchers examined those dimensions using 18 relevant metrics, and graded each one on a 100-point scale, with a score of 100 representing the most educated. They then determined each state's weighted average across all metrics to calculate its overall score. The report noted that in certain metrics where women showed an advantage over men and Black people over white people, researchers gave equal credit to states with no gender or racial inequality. See the gallery for the country's 15 most educated states.