The Federal Reserve likely won't raise its benchmark interest rate this year as much as central bank officials have suggested and may even lower rates, based on bond market signals, DoubleLine Capital founder and CEO Jeffrey Gundlach said Tuesday in a webcast touching on his 2023 views."I think the Fed will help out in 2023 more than they realize," he said.Among other topics, Gundlach suggested that investors tilt their portfolios toward bonds this year, and noted that several key U.S. economic indicators — although not all — point to an imminent recession. "I'm very excited about 2023," Gundlach said, adding that 2021 was "hopeless" and "turned into a dumpster fire" for financial markets. Fixed income looks "exciting," a term he hasn't used for those assets in 10 years, he said.Check the gallery for nine recommendations from the billionaire investor.