People do business with people they like. This establishes the rationale for penetrating local high-net-worth and ultra-high-net-worth circles and developing
social relationships, some of which will transform into business relationships when appropriate. If you see people once a month at
meetings and events, it will take a long time to develop warm relationships. Going out to dinner together is an excellent strategy to speed up the process. My wife and I have found the wealthier people get, the less often they tend to dine at home. Generally speaking, the grander the kitchen, the less often it is used. Wealthy friends joke that their "kitchen is for resale purposes only." Put another way, they dine out quite often, especially for dinner. They tend not to dine alone, preferring to get together with different members of their circle of friends. This provides your opportunity. Ideally, you can have a degree of control. If you always dine at their choice of restaurant, you are tied into their dining price point, which might be more than you want to spend. Having your own selection of restaurants allows you to initiate the invitations, as well. You are not picking up the check. In polite society, wealthy individuals tend to split dinner checks. Major exceptions include dining at a private club or celebrating a birthday. Check out the 12 types of restaurants you need in your inventory. You want to become a regular, welcomed upon your arrival and given excellent service. Adapt the choices to suit your own taste.