Here's Your Midyear Client Review Checklist for 2022

Slideshow July 11, 2022 at 03:15 PM
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As you prepare for your midyear review meetings with clients, these meetings come against the backdrop of a volatile stock market, higher interest rates, inflation and the threat of a recession. While these issues will likely be a part of the conversation, it's important to keep the focus on the client's longer-term planning issues. That said, you know your clients and know which ones might be a bit more concerned about the current economic and stock market issues than others. You will want to be sure to address their concerns in the course of discussing their overall situation. Treat the gallery above as a checklist for your midyear client meetings. While these meetings are important every year, they are perhaps a bit more important this year in the wake of the market and economic turmoil we've seen. Covering these eight issues is a good starting point.  

Roger Wohlner is a financial writer with over 20 years of industry experience as a financial advisor.