5 Steps for Advising Retired Clients in a Down Market

Slideshow June 24, 2022 at 03:25 PM
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Periods of stock market volatility as we are seeing so far in 2022 can be hard on all clients, but they can be especially unnerving for your retired clients. Even longtime clients who have been through periods of volatility with you in the past may need some reassurance that they are still on the right track. In the gallery above are some thoughts on advising retired clients in a down market. All of your clients — but especially your retired clients — need you to be a voice of reason and stability during a down-market period. Your calm approach and your experience can be the difference between keeping them on course with the good planning you've done for them or having them make poor decisions out of panic that could potentially jeopardize their financial security in retirement.

Roger Wohlner is a financial writer with over 20 years of industry experience as a financial advisor.