10 State Retirement and Annuity Bills to Watch

Slideshow March 14, 2022 at 04:15 PM
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State legislatures are still holding hearings and passing ordinary bills in the ordinary way, in spite of the gridlock slowing action in Washington. Lawmakers are wrestling with issues such as the effects of low interest rates on consumer protection rules, taxation of annuity income, and efforts to update the sales standards for annuities and other retirement products. For a look at some of the bills that have been under consideration, see the gallery above. In some cases, these bills are still in the legislative pipeline, or are already signed into law. It's possible that some have died, or soon will die, in committee. But many financial services bills have more lives than cats, and we have included potentially undead measures along with the living.   Pictured: The State Capitol Building in Montpelier, Vermont. (Photo: photoguy707/Shutterstock)