10 Reasons You're Worth Your Fees

Slideshow February 23, 2022 at 09:35 AM
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Many people think the only cost that should be involved in investing is the cost of the trade. Everything else should be free, because the firm executing the trade wants that slice of the business. The fact that trades can be done nearly free of charge online makes investing cost-effective, because the advice is probably free, too. Why do I need my own financial advisor? A logical reason is one we rarely think about: Free advice is biased advice. It's usually free because the firm providing it expects you to buy their product. You've seen the "free roof inspection" ads on TV. As an advisor at a full-service firm, you bring a lot to the relationship. See the gallery for 10 of them. Many come with no additional charge, or a charge only on the funds invested. You add far more value than a website or an app.