Here is an article that appeared in the Dec. 29, 1921, issue of The National Underwriter Life Insurance Edition.
Interest has again been aroused in underwriting circles in the case of E.J. Sailstad, president of the Multitone Manufacturing Co., Eau Claire, Wis., who was supposed to have burned to death at Lake Nebagamon, Wis., in August 1920, by the filing of an application for a marriage license by Mrs. Laona Sailstad and Ross T. Richardson, a salesman. Mrs. Sailstad stated that she is a widow. Sailstad was insured for $77,000 and The Travelers' in which he carried the bulk of the insurance, has resisted payment of the death claim and maintains that it has proof that Sailstad is still alive.
Sailstad also carried an amount of corporation insurance said to have totaled $150,000. The corporation, now defunct, planned a suit against the Travelers and other companies to collect, but on presentation of evidence to attorneys at the Travelers' offices, it was decided not to sue.
Although Mrs. Sailstad insisted all along that Sailstad is dead, she has recently taken no steps to collect under the personal policies.