6 Virtual Selling Best Practices

Online conferencing systems could be your friend.

When you hear the word “virtual selling” you probably think of equipment: cameras, microphones, lights, etc.

But before you get into those details, I want to make something clear: the most important part of performing a great virtual sales presentation is doing so with confidence.

Having solid equipment is important, but ultimately the thing that matters most is you: the highly trained licensed professional that you are.

The most successful virtual sales professionals are clear, confident, and relaxed in front of the camera.

Don’t be afraid to smile, speak casually, and show your personality.

Prospects and clients love seeing a trusted advisor’s personality — there’s no need for your virtual presentation to feel formal.

As long as you follow these proven and quality best practices there’s plenty of room for style.

Appearing comfortable may not come easily and that’s okay.

Here are six tips and tricks for bringing a comfortable vibe to your virtual presentation.

1. Use your hands as you would when talking to a friend.

Think of the presentation as a conversation rather than a lecture.

2. Look directly into the camera as you would if you were speaking to a friend.

Better yet, imagine you are speaking to someone specific that you know would enjoy learning what you have to present.

3. Speak clearly and naturally.

Keep your pace moderate and allow your tone to go up and down. Feel free to show enthusiasm and excitement.

4. Avoid distracting “ums” and “ahs.”

These often sneak in inadvertently, so, when you notice you’ve been doing this, put a note on your screen as a reminder not to.

5. Continually refer back to your sales outline to ensure you’re sticking to talking points.

Avoid rambling, or getting off-track.

6. Remember to smile.

Smiling is one of the easiest and fastest ways to set a friendly, relaxed, and comfortable tone for a virtual presentation.

And remember that people like two things: They like to hear their name, and they like to have others ask for their opinions. Use those principles to get the viewers talking.

(Image: Shutterstock)

Lloyd Lofton is the founder of Power Behind the Sales and the author of The Saleshero’s Guide To Handling Objections.