Top 5 Financial Planning Trends for the Next 5 Years

Slideshow October 05, 2021 at 04:20 PM
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The Financial Planning Standards Board Ltd., which owns the international Certified Financial Planner certification program outside the U.S., released the results of a survey on CFP professionals' view on trends that are likely to influence financial advice delivery in the next five years.  The survey, conducted in partnership with the global FPSB Network, comprised 4,250 CFP professionals across 23 countries. "FPSB will use the information we've gathered through this year's global research projects into the current and future practice of financial planning to future-proof the financial planning profession and CFP certification program," FPSB's chief executive, Noel Maye, said in a statement.  See the gallery for the five trends CFP professionals cited as factors likely to influence financial advice delivery in the next five years.