I am not a lawyer. I have not attempted to play one on T.V. That being said, what I am is an insurance professional who offers to the public life insurance and health insurance policies crafted by lawyers and actuaries.
Currently the country is being ripped apart by the debate over those who favor masks and vaccines and those that do not. The governors of various states and our president have aligned with one of these two ways of thinking.
I am a pretty simple person and I try to avoid political; religious; or values based debates. I have tried to keep silent but I feel that the debate has gone on long enough without me putting in my thoughts.
I view the whole debate by thinking outside the box. If some person with a national audience asked this simple question what impact would it have on a person's thinking?
Here is the question: "If you suddenly came down with COVID-19 and had not received any vaccinations prior, would you expect your health insurance to pay your bills?"
I am going to add a second question: "If you died, would you expect your life insurance to pay out to your named beneficiary?"
These two questions and their answers would, I feel, have a significant impact on quieting the debate.
If government at all levels agreed that, in most cases, the failure to obtain the COVID vaccines was a decision that a person made of their own free will, and that any outcome that resulted from this decision was on them exclusively, I feel the currently unvaccinated would line up in a hurry.
Personal Responsibility
Doctors and hospitals should not be forced to treat people who contract coronavirus as a result of not getting vaccinated.
Unless an unvaccinated person has the financial means to pay the medical bills for physician and nurse care, breathing devices, and all the other devices and services connected to COVID 19 care, they would need to figure out how to pay for their care before receiving any.