Graduation season is upon us. In my house, that means an end to a very busy and stressful senior year where we were working through college visits and applications to schools, all in the middle of a health pandemic. Like countless other families, we've experienced an incredible amount of unknowns, including how we will ensure our son has health coverage.
For the 20 million kids who are returning to universities and colleges in the fall, this is a great time for health insurance agents to get together with their clients to discuss the health care needs of their college-aged children.
Even for fifinancial professionals who focus on life insurance and annuities, this topic may be a great way to start a wide-ranging financial wellness conversation.
After all, there's already enough unknowns when it comes to how COVID has impacted the college experience. Personally, we were left wondering how the virus would impact admissions. Once our son is in college, will he have a roommate? Or would it be safer if he stayed close to home?
Even after my son was admitted to school, we were still plagued by questions. We weren't sure what high school graduation would look like during COVID, or if his chosen university would require a vaccine.
But there's one big question every parent must address: What health insurance will their child be covered by? Considering the health pandemic that we are currently experiencing, health insurance is vitally important. Fortunately, it's a question that can be easily answered by a knowledgeable insurance agent.