6 Good, Clean Annuity Jokes

Slideshow March 30, 2021 at 02:34 PM
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COVID-19 has hit retirement savers as they are facing three other crises: the aging of the baby boomers, low interest rates, and a high level of self-consciousness about humor. A few years ago, financial services professionals might have been able to lighten the mood with a few jokes about, say, some group of colleagues with a reputation for being uptight. These days, any jokes involving humans seem risky. Even if you simply write a joke about your own tongue, maybe your tongue will find a way to complain about you to your tonsils. So, here are six new annuity jokes featuring insects, spiders and other invertebrates. As always, test these on your own compliance and humor taste advisors before reacting to them in public.

(Image: rost9/Adobe Stock)